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laserpointersafety.com/ thank you ILDA and Aixiz

Re: laserpointersafety.com/ thank you ILDA and Aix

Nice website! Really shows how dangerous lasers can be, seeing as the lens in our eye focuses to dot so small and sharp in can make the retina bleed... I'll have to show show that to my friend, who probably shouldn't ever own a laser, if you know what I mean. ;)
Re: laserpointersafety.com/ thank you ILDA and Aix

nice work. i'll try and spread the word. :)
Re: laserpointersafety.com/ thank you ILDA and Aix

Thanks for noticing the LaserPointerSafety.com website. If you can pass the word, it would be very helpful -- especially on the aircraft issue. There are a number of people who simply "don't think" about the distraction/glare hazards to aircraft. They really are the ones ruining it for everybody else.

Also, I saw your comment about the bleeding retina photo. This was intended to show injuries in general, not necessarily from lower-powered laser pointers. (They can cause injuries, but not as dramatic.) However, I think the point was lost and the image was misleading for the majority of laser pointers out there. So I have updated the page and tried to talk only about injuries in the 1 to 250 milliwatt range.

I appreciate your interest, thanks!

-- Patrick Murphy, ILDA Executive Director
Mr. Murphy is still providing valuable info and the sharing lessons learned by others the hard way. Newest laser news, results from trials.. reading there is time well spent.
Share it with anyone with lasers or around lasers.... LH (hak)
Wow. This is a really old thread to post to, Len. I thought this was covered in the stickies.
only 10 yrs old-- did you think I had missed that??
never a wrong time for safety.

and PM would have been appreciated.
I don't follow you 'covered in the stickies'???
I just spent two hours there --reading.. lots of news.
But I will confess to being partial.. I have met Patrick --he was at several SELEMs I attended- & I was an ILDA member for 3 years.
AixiZ has been a longtime corp. member and a LPS.org sponsor.
and the thing is.. afaik Patrick does not get paid to keep LPS.org running
so he is and has been doing a lot for ALL of us. so I felt like giving Murphy & LPSorg a free bump.. 10 years!!!

go read the letter from the guy who just got out of prison for lasing an aircraft for about 3- 5 seconds..he is fubarred..
here.. no need to search
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It didn't occur to me to take this to a PM, Len. If you feel I crossed a line, I apologize, but we have had necroposters opening these old threads by commenting to them years later. It took me several minutes to figure out this was a 10 year old thread and that always gets my ire up. I look at the age of the thread and the information added by the new post. It has been awhile since I read the stickies on laser safety, but to my recollection, the aiming lasers at persons, vehicles or aircraft are covered. If this is the new norm here, I will just have to be on the lookout for more ancient threads brought back to life in the future.
SYS wont let me edit//so I will dele later.
In a perfect world... all stickies would get read by all members --old and brand new.
Murph does us a great service keeping LPS updated..and h has been very fair to us.

Much of what I read today was new to me.. and after reading my thought was.. why have I not been checking in at LPS.org more often?... can we stress safe use TOO much?
so even if it were to be stickied no such thing as too much at LPF about safety.

but that is just IMO.

If the stats are correct.. laser incident reports have not gone away, but have gotten only a little better... see that as good reason to step it up. Especially with the low cost or a multi Watt blue.... I have always felt that any true laser lover would never do anything that could cost the owner his laser.. not as true now.
The overall tone IMO at LPS looks like , if anything, the dangers have always been in reality exaggerated..IIRC it has been mandatory for all pilots to report every sighting of a laser on the ground..
but I would think most pilots would not report as an incident when it was clear that the aircraft was not a target and the laser did not look powerful at the distance. (cry wolf)

the stats IMO show what we do no more dangerous and likely less to cause injury than practically any such pastime or 'what-ev' you want to all what we do..

AFAIK there is free grant money available to someone wanting to produce a PBA.. have you ever seen a PBA about lasers or lasering?

I had hoped we would see the one emogi cartoon (at LPS.org) that was a take-off on (iirc) 'one hundred dumb ways to die' .. except it was 'ways to blind' funny and scary at the same time..

hak's 'dos centavos solo'
