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FrozenGate by Avery

"Laser Strike" brand safety glasses by Phillips

Aug 10, 2010
Does anyone know about these glasses, or the brand in general?

I really like the way they look, but I don't want to be buying expensive sunglasses. Unfortunately the name "laser strike" makes it difficult to Google.

Since it's relevant, my lasers are:
  • 60~mW 532nm Green
  • 2~watt 445nm Blue


Those are horrible for 532nm lasers! Buy a pair of eagle pair glasses from survial laser. WAY cheaper and better protection for your lasers
What livinloud said. 1.5 OD is pretty bad. Granted, for a 60mW 532nm laser you wont be getting much but still. You should prepare for the future. A 150 dollar temporary pair of safety glasses is an egregious waste of laser funds IMHO.
Thanks for the info guys! :)
To clarify, I'm mostly concerned about the 2 watt blue, the green will barely pinhole a trash bag, whereas the blue did this in seconds:

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Eagle Pair are OD4+ and iirc that translates into a 1000 reduction in power or 0.001, thus your 2000mW laser would allow 2mW through OD4 glasses. If you are willing to spend the $160 for the glasses you posted then buy a pair of CERTIFIED glasses from thor labs or someone
DarthNinja, those glasses really start to fall off past 450nm, I'm not sure I'd trust that graph at any wavelength.
Like everybody is saying, go with the Eagle Pair for good quality glasses at a reasonable price.

@Livinloud, wouldn't those Eagle Pair at OD4 protect even better, down to 0.2mW?
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Okay, thanks!
I think I'll end up getting one of the Eagle Pair ones since I believe that's what I've borrowed and used in the past.

The only real reason I was considering the Laser Strike glasses was because they would fit better for cosplay (aesthetically).
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Dont ask me to do math while watching E3 videos and waiting for word on MX vs ATV SX.........

@OP, cosplay.......as in role playing? as in other people around? as in your eyes are protected but everyone else is SOL? I hope my assumptions are wrong and by cosplay you mean only you in a safe environment.
Are those glasses photoshopped green?? HAHAHA

Yeah eaglepair is good, thats what I have...
Your math skills are still probably better than mine, even while watching videos!:beer: It was never my best subject.
@OP, cosplay.......as in role playing? as in other people around? as in your eyes are protected but everyone else is SOL? I hope my assumptions are wrong and by cosplay you mean only you in a safe environment.

I thought that might come up :P

To clarify, no I would not be using the laser around people who don't also have eye protection.
Specifically: Cosplay for photography, where I and anyone else would have eye protection.
Does anyone know about these glasses, or the brand in general?

As far as the brand is concerned: This is phillips, with 2 l's, and should not be confused with philips (1 l), the dutch company that designs anything from lightbulbs, to cd's to mri scanners.

I'm not sure of the quality, integrity and such of this phillips company, but in case you could be confused, this is NOT in any way related to the philips company that builds all the high tech equipment for which it has a reputation to uphold.
