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Laser Hobby Wiki?

I think it's a good idea. It may relieve some of pressure put on laser hobbyists from the media.
With enough support from this forum alone, the laser wiki would be pretty big in a short amount of time.

I could have sworn this was discussed earlier and the idea folded, but I guess not. I like the idea of a Wiki, and I would contribute too, but wouldn't it be much easier just to have c0ld host it here on LPF? I'm sure there is plenty of space to hold a wiki, this is a forum after all.
Hah. I think it'd kinda defeat the purpose...
I'll get one up and running. Laserwiki.org is available... but not for long :)
Anyone who has time to be co-admin and help me set it up, email me at cgeeky@gmail.com and we can discuss how / what needs to be done.
Um..I think if one is to be done, it should be hosted on WIKIPEDIA! The whole idea behind Wikis is to have one massive encyclopedia, but that won't work if every subject has its own encyclopedia.
360freak said:
Um..I think if one is to be done, it should be hosted on WIKIPEDIA! The whole idea behind Wikis is to have one massive encyclopedia, but that won't work if every subject has its own encyclopedia.

lol, don't confuse 'wikipedia' and 'wiki'.

Wikis were around before wikipedia. A wiki is essentially an online community, a website that anyone can contribute too. Wikipedia is an encyclopedia done as a wiki. There are heaps and heaps of examples of wikis out there, wikipedia is just the most well known example.
styropyro said:
I could have sworn this was discussed earlier and the idea folded, but I guess not.

No... it WAS discussed, but the idea certainly wasn't folded... me and Things had one set up. I think we wrote 50-some articles, then forgot about it because we didn't have the time to devote to it. I guess that got lost along the way, though, so I'm all for making a new one. :)
Murudai said:
[quote author=360freak link=1217418559/0#19 date=1218141805]Um..I think if one is to be done, it should be hosted on WIKIPEDIA! The whole idea behind Wikis is to have one massive encyclopedia, but that won't work if every subject has its own encyclopedia.

lol, don't confuse 'wikipedia' and 'wiki'.

Wikis were around before wikipedia. A wiki is essentially an online community, a website that anyone can contribute too. Wikipedia is an encyclopedia done as a wiki. There are heaps and heaps of examples of wikis out there, wikipedia is just the most well known example.  


Are you sure? I watched a documentary which said that Wikipedia invented the Wiki. Something about the Hawaiian word quick mixed with an encyclopedia. Regardless, I think that it should be hosted on wikipedia, since I'm sure that would be the first place that a noob would look for a wiki on lasers.
Nope. Wikis were around before Wikipedia. Though, the software wikipedia has introduced has certainly made things easier, it's called MediaWiki. But it wasn't the first :)

And it CAN'T be hosted on wikipedia. Wikipedia is an encyclopedia. You can't write up tutorials and experiments there. All you can write up is about how lasers work and technical stuff, and they already have that!

lol, you've been brainwashed by wikipedia. Funny stuff ;D
We need to get the message across that Wicked, Warn etc are not good companies and make recommendations. Wikipedia is strictly unbiased.
well, just go ahead and begin it and we will see where it goes from there... if you get all the basics down on it then i will refer everyone to it that i can and help grow it.
VillageIdiot said:
don't make it white on black! eurggh! hard to read!

Ouch! I know!

If we are going to make a laser wiki, I think we should do it on one of the member's hosting, and a better domain. From my experience, free domains go nowhere.
el-taco said:
[quote author=VillageIdiot link=1217418559/20#28 date=1218705246]don't make it white on black! eurggh! hard to read!

Ouch! I know!

If we are going to make a laser wiki, I think we should do it on one of the member's hosting, and a better domain. From my experience, free domains go nowhere.[/quote]
Wetpaint is a wiki site, it's job is to host wikis. it's a good one, too.
