Terrorist wielding portable blinding weapons would be reason enough to release the militarized assassin drone swarms !
he 1st case of a weaponized robot being used against a non military target/human has already happened and Obama was famous for droning Americans on foreign soil, not that I see anything wrong with it, I expect our police agencies/swat already have weaponized drones on hand and I have seen pics of swat robots with dazzlers.
China has blinding lasers on their main battle tanks so auto darkening eye protection like welders masks use and helmets with ballistic shielding and virtual lcd screens using helmet mounted cams could become standard, I suppose police could employ the same camera helmets if blinding lasers became a regular problem.
But it will almost always come down to the strength of numbers in any battle scenario, although hardened robotic infantry with the latest direct energy force multipliers could be devastatingly effective against human combatants with conventional weapons and tactics.
Imagine your a soldier with a laser rifle deep in enemy territory without close air support facing an army of robotic " terminators " with laser weapons who can out endure and out perform you in most every way, add to that their direct link to drone swarms.......you will need a new EMP weapon and drones of your own with airburst countermeasures.
There is a concept for a LSDW weapon, that's a laser supported detonation wave utilize atmosphere and the targets own particulate from an initial pulse followed by an ignition pulse, of course to be man portable an active fiber laser system would likely be developed, the biggest hurdle is still battery technology for compact man portable systems but it will be overcome soon I expect.
p.s. Production capacity and material supply infrastructure is key for winning a conventional war but now a nations ability to respond in real time to bio attack has become front and center, now more than ever the deterrent of mutual assured destruction is so very important in avoiding unthinkable horror of war.