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Laser battery help

Jul 30, 2015
I received the laser from Lazerer.com and they didn't include the battery it was supposed to be an 18650 li-ion battery, I found one on Amazon but it's Samsung and I don't know what maH to buy. The charger output is 3.7V/450mA end of charge voltage is 4.2+-1% the laser is a 100mw LZCS532-100 model, please help.

mah means capacity, so the higher the longer it will take to charge but u will be able to use the laser longer. But why did u buy from them? totally shit company but oh well u got your laser atleast.
Ya I'm a bit new to lasers and I took other peoples word for it that it was a good company, so then any battery as long as its the for the laser would be good?
Ya I'm a bit new to lasers and I took other peoples word for it that it was a good company, so then any battery as long as its the for the laser would be good?

Avoid UltraFire batteries, those have been known to blow up :eek:

Some more things to be aware of, in addition to Ultrafire being very low quality, there are also some generic blue ones with no brand name that also aren't very good. Samsung are a good brand, the 18650 batteries come in both button top and flat top. If your laser has a spring at both ends it will work with either one, if not then you need the button top. Be sure you never insert the battery backwards, it only takes a few seconds and your laser is toast.

Some more things to be aware of, in addition to Ultrafire being very low quality, there are also some generic blue ones with no brand name that also aren't very good. Samsung are a good brand, the 18650 batteries come in both button top and flat top. If your laser has a spring at both ends it will work with either one, if not then you need the button top. Be sure you never insert the battery backwards, it only takes a few seconds and your laser is toast.

Ok thank you it is one side so I will buy the button top thank you so much for your help :)
Some more things to be aware of, in addition to Ultrafire being very low quality, there are also some generic blue ones with no brand name that also aren't very good. Samsung are a good brand, the 18650 batteries come in both button top and flat top. If your laser has a spring at both ends it will work with either one, if not then you need the button top. Be sure you never insert the battery backwards, it only takes a few seconds and your laser is toast.

Any other brands worthy of mentioning I can't seem to find button top Samsung batteries
Samsung does make button top 18650, it may be that there are none on Amazon. I buy some of my batteries on Amazon and some of them here:
Illumn.com - Flashlights, Batteries, Carry Gear, Intelligent LED Lighting, and More!
Sony, Sanyo, LG, Panasonic, Keep Power, Eagle Tac, Efest, Olight, Nitecore, are also ok brands.

Ya I have prime so I didn't really want to go to any other but I will order panasonics now and get some Samsung's later, thank you again for your help 😎😊😅
Ya I have prime so I didn't really want to go to any other but I will order panasonics now and get some Samsung's later, thank you again for your help 😎😊😅

One more thing you might not know about, many people buy neodymium magnets and use them on flat top batteries to convert to button top. I have the tiny 1/16x1/8 inch and they are perfect for this and I bought them on Amazon, I don't remember what I paid but it wasn't much.

If you need a button top and have a flat top battery, you can put a solder blob on the flat top there you have a button top . I did this with my Panasonics never a problem.
Hope this helps you. Just make sure the solder is centered on top of the battery
If you're for sure going through Amazon, I can recommend Orbtronic 18650's. They are made from high quality Panasonic cells. I have a few and they're great.

Protected cells have a circuit board on them and tend to be a little longer, they may or may not fit depending on your laser. I know on my Laser 303 style unit, protected is a few mm too long; so I use unprotected 18650's I've pulled from laptop batteries. Typically Sanyo, Sony, LG, or Samsung cells in those.
