These are the qualms that I have and that the rest of the forum have. Whilst you have answered some of these qualms I still must point out:
The laser is being pointed at a tragectory that appears to be WAAAAAY too close to someone's eyes
Not only may someone damage their eyes from this, they might seek legal action against you (although I suppose that you added a disclaimer adding not to point it at anyone...) Perhaps if you are interested at getting people into DIY lasers you should sell laser goggles (of a high OD) on your site (if it is your site, Im not sure sorry... If not, please recommend a site for people to buy from...) to ensure people's safety. As they say, someone's eyes are worth a lot more that a pair of $30 goggles...
It seems that you are inferring that you made the world's first laser cigarette lighter.
Whilst you have already discussed this, I must add that by adding "cheapie" to your title you are not necessarily making anything different from Rog's laser as his can be considered "cheapy" too... Those zippo-style lighters can be bought from for under $5USD. I'm not sure how much BIC lighters are in the US, your video states one dollar if i recall correctly, but the cost of Rog's parts would be much less than advertised on your site. Im not having a go at you for selling at what people may consider high prices, however Im just saying if you totaled it all up, Im going to go out on a limb and say Rog's can be made for less... (sorry if the site is not yours, I, once again, am not sure if it is)
405nm is NOT blue...
I see how "blue" may be more appealing to some people, however it is not blue! If you are looking to teach people how to make DIY lasers and are trying to introduce them to DIY lasers, please teach them the correct science behind it. Ask anyone and they will tell you 473nm is blue NOT 405nm. Whilse fluoroesence may make 405nm look blue, it is NOT blue. Please keep this in mind...
The module itself is not adequate heatsinking...
A module is not adequate for heatsinking unless you want usage of around 10-20 seconds before you have to turn it off to cool it down. Although this time I'm glad you used a driver so people dont instantly fry their diodes...
Oh, and I must say Rog's appears much safer too. It has a lid which will prevent the laser accidentally being activated and shone in someone's eyes or at something not desired. Also, it will not go off in your pocket...