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FrozenGate by Avery

Kdriver - New design buck driver 2.2A softstart

Thanks for your support, but building drivers for sale is quite $$$ intensive as the least expensive way is to have them assembled in China and once you have them, you then need to sell, usually hundreds of them to even start getting a return on your investment. I have built prototypes, but since the drivers that are most useful to members here have a small footprint while being able to supply regulated current in large amounts, one needs to obtain the smallest devices that will sustain themselves at various current levels. All this is something I have not done in recent years and really don't want to try to get started again as I could end up spending thousands of dollars on the hope that they would sell in quantities that would be worth my while. ;)

Yeah, they do have quite a small footprint for what they do, don’t they...
I’m anxious to see how the TungLaser drivers turn out. If there are any little quarks maybe he can divulge to you in confidence his choice of controllers to aid in smoothing out noise or inefficiencies in design🤷‍♂️
Hi Paul,
I remember you saying about that delivery , it wasn't;t to long age either.
hey Josh just put a leg in forward to help , he's a good guy .
Maybe Tung will give us a better price on these , who knows I guess it depends on how many are orders if the test come out ok.

Yeah, I'll just have to wait and see what I have to work with once they get to me. I will test them with dummy loads first, them with some diode after I see they are noise free and stable. I hope they are decent enough drivers for our purposes. Time will tell.
