This article displeases me greatly.
His past history should not have factored in, if he did his time for the crimes he committed before, then he should not have to do time for them again, and that's exactly what is happening here. It's worse than double jeopardy, because unlike double jeopardy there is no possibility of challenging it in court. Nice loophole to avoid the Fifth Amendment, and of course it goes right over the general public's heads.
If the lasing incident caused "no significant problems" then fine the idiot 500 bucks and be done with it. Tack on restitution for an eye exam for the pilots and other expenses if need be. If it did cause "significant problems" then sentence based on the true and actual facts, and NOT the sensationalist hype.
"His past history" is a straw man, nothing more, dug up, woven and spun to justify one thing only, which is GIVING HIM THE MAX, no matter what, for no other reason than to convince us that these law enforcement thugs are necessary. It's a straight-up, no-holds-barred violation of both the Fifth and Eighth amendments and the public is too stupid to question (or even notice) it.
Oh, and cue the usual government lies and propaganda, no article on this subject is complete without some of that. "Lasing an aircraft can be fatal for the crew/passengers!" Except, it's never happened. Not once, ever, anywhere. Why is that? Hey, U.S. attorney and trigger-happy LEO goons, please explain to me this discrepancy between the government claims and the objective facts. But of course, they won't, because they know it's nothing but a pack of lies.
And I just love the line "we seek to send these people to prison." Durka-durk, of course they do, it's their JOB to send people to prison. They will send whomever they need to, for whatever reason they need to, in order to continue drawing a paycheck. The Constitution must really chap these goons' and attorneys' asses if they're willing to go through such lengths to get around it. They'd send people to prison for owning a gun or criticizing the government if they could get away with it. How many people they send to prison is the only metric of success they consider. Whatever puts food in their little bastards' mouths I guess, but it's completely dishonest and reprehensible.
Here's another bogus phrase, "the permissible emission power level for handheld laser devices." I'm sorry, but I do believe that if the handheld device is fully FDA compliant there is no upper, "permissible", limit. And of course, mere possession isn't prohibited by any federal statute. But, the idiot public doesn't know that, do they?

This is a meaningless, BS term to put it into the public's mind that ALL laser pointers other than MAYBE keychain and radio shack pointers are ALREADY illegal. Oh, and THIRTEEN TIMES the supposed limit, so scary! But wait, they never said what that limit is, because it doesn't exist! Call that laser pointer exactly what it is: a non-FDA compliant laser product. The level of contempt these goons have for us is astounding and yet again the general public is too stupid to question.
But that's a perfect example of HYPE! Non-FDA compliant laser product, big whoop, who cares. But, THIRTEEN TIMES THE LEGAL LIMIT, OH SWEET JESUS! BLATANT propaganda, hype and outright lies. A flagrant display of UTTER contempt for the people and for the truth.
Almost 4000 laser "attacks" and not one single plane crash. Not one single life lost. Here's an idea for the government goons: Target something else that ACTUALLY DOES KILL people. How about DRUNK DRIVING? What about SMOKING CIGARETTES? Those things kill tens of thousands every year, don't they? Oh, but wait, we need those alcohol and tobacco tax dollars, don't we?
Hey, how about addressing the problem of low-income people living without health insurance, which according to a recent Harvard study is a contributing factor to 40,000+ deaths every year? Oh, wait, if we did that then Rich Dick Exec might not be able to buy a Congressman this year. Besides, low-income people don't pay a lot of taxes anyway, and they consume lots of welfare and other social services besides. They make the government no money, and as such they're expendable.
Nah, just "get tough" on the lasers and anyone who happens to be dumb enough to point one at a plane. It's a really convenient paycheck cash cow for government employees who know that they are useless and destructive. It's convenient because a) they have no advocates to speak up on their behalf; and b) they don't make the government and/or or business executives any money, and c) the idiot public doesn't really understand lasers very well, so they will believe whatever lies they're told.
Once the goons get lasers banned and celebrate their victory and have their obligatory media-spotlight circle jerk, they will just persecute and scapegoat something else. It's how these vultures operate. They'll choose something that makes the government no money, and which has little to no advocacy in its defense. Bonus points if it's something esoteric or "extreme". Meanwhile, drunk drivers, tobacco companies, and lack of insurance for the poor will still be killing people left and right. But because there's PROFIT to be had in the alcohol and tobacco businesses, and the insurance racket, nothing will be done to stop them.
That went on way longer than I planned but follow the tax revenue. Look at the numbers. If it makes the government money, then it will be defended, and the dead be damned. If it doesn't, then it's fair game for the vultures to pick at until there's nothing left.