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Just begging for another lawsuit (Wicked)

"These are not toys"

Then what on god's green earth are they for?

And smeer, don't you mean three? Considering your new red one that is.
They say you shouldn't duel with them, and that you should always wear laser goggles. Wouldn't you have more fun swinging around a green spray painted pvc pipe?
They say you shouldn't duel with them, and that you should always wear laser goggles. Wouldn't you have more fun swinging around a green spray painted pvc pipe?

Exactly. Thats why they died out a few years ago. How long can you wave it around before you get dead bored with it?

WL cant even be original anymore. They have to push old ideas that flopped.
LMAO, are they giving you one for posting that? :whistle:

LMAO, really ?

Are you that naive ?

It's just on there website, but i guess you never go there being anti wl, and you like to slap labels on people rather quickly.

Just telling you i'm not fund of wl myself, i had a first purchase of wl true there website, it was the krypton 500 doing only 250, in my anger i broke it and shipped it for another build done in it.
My Other two WL's are bought from forum members, just so i know what i pay for ^^

With the saber (wich im not getting free btw) I think i can't go wrong, and i think it's just something i would really like sinds i alway's wanted a FX replica.
But having both laser and saber is better in my case...
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LMAO, really ?

Are you that naive ?

I think you are being the naive one sir. No I dont think you got one for free. But for the life of me I dont understand why you would compose such a posts over a silly plastic fake light rod. Yet alone buy 3, LOL. :crackup:

Like I said, these are an old product, which failed in the past because its really dumb, and not that entertaining. There are way more new stuff to get excited about. But I guess there is no accounting for taste.
I think you are being the naive one sir. No I dont think you got one for free. But for the life of me I dont understand why you would compose such a posts over a silly plastic fake light rod. Yet alone buy 3, LOL. :crackup:

Like I said, these are an old product, which failed in the past because its really dumb, and not that entertaining. There are way more new stuff to get excited about. But I guess there is no accounting for taste.

I would compose such a post couse you are labeling me as a wl ass kisser.
Not becouse it's cheap plastic and whatever your twisting story is.
And buy 3 ? really ?
Dude really don't get on my nerves.
I'm just going to ignore you.

k thnx bye.
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Wicked Lasers really really really really needs to stop marketing these things towards a child-like audience. Sure they say they aren't toys, but that's pretty much what they are showing them as. And Kipkay's recent contest is no different.

I tell ya... I know I'm :horse: but WL needs to grow up. They're probably the biggest reason that lasers catch flak nowadays.
This kind of thing makes me worry for the future of lasers. Its one thing if powerful lasers are restricted to hobbyists that know what they are doing, but its another thing entirely to market powerful lasers to kids.
No chance of a lawsuit---they put the required disclaimer up saying nothing to do with Lucasfilm .

WL really does push the limits however.

Is amazing with all the high powered lasers in the hands of people that there almost no reports anywhere of injury from same. A guy from WL told me they had sold 70,000 lasers and that was a year ago--the long wait time was when they were making 500 Arctics a week.
Hopefully Lucas will sue the crap out of WL and they'll disappear.
Hopefully no kids get hurt from playing with their crap and if they do I hope that they are able to sue WL. Since they are in China they might have a hard time doing so.
@Encap Lucas will probably still try, I would.
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I hear you on the part about kids--Arctic and Krypton are not kids toys.

Does seem irresponsible of WL to entice kids with 'lasersaber"

Like I said all those high powered lasers out there already and no reports of injury or lawsuits---seems odd.

Lucasfilm would sue of they felt a threat of lawsuits from/due to WL product---so far have not/don't.

Many people sell "light sabers" already for a very long time---little point in closing the barn door now--time to maintain any control of all that is long over. Especially if there is a disclaimer--WL says " LaserSaber is a registered trademark of Wicked Lasers. Wicked Lasers and its products are not affiliated with Lucasfilm or Star Wars"
