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Doesn't LPF only allow 800x600 photos to be uploaded? I've got no problems on my phone or computer with jombo23's photos :thinking:

They're hosted third party, not uploaded. I don't know why they aren't getting scaled for them. Vbulletin fits images with css so as long as their browsers support css in some form it should be fine. I run a vbulletin 4 forum and have never had anyone report issues.

They're hosted third party, not uploaded. I don't know why they aren't getting scaled for them. Vbulletin fits images with css so as long as their browsers support css in some form it should be fine. I run a vbulletin 4 forum and have never had anyone report issues.

It doesn't scale them on here, never has. Looks fine on my screen, but I have a decently large screen. On a 15" or 17" they may not fit at all well. Especially if there's any zoom/size enlargement otherwise.
Boy I tell ya h'wat, if anything takes up my whole screen its all those darn defunct links at the top of every page. somebody needs to buy that site and put the stuff back up. or. something

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That's true as my screen is 17.3 inches and it fills my screen. I suspect on smaller ones it is enormous.
It appears to be an internet explorer issue.

I'll have to fix it on Saturday.

It shows fine on chrome and firefox on my phone/laptop/desktop.

The css is there to fit the images. Under -max width 100%-

It's set to fit the forum post object.
do people really still use CSS? there are so many vulnerabilities open to script kiddies. microsoft recommends switching all private servers to CS:GO, their new silverlight based API
Doesn't LPF only allow 800x600 photos to be uploaded? I've got no problems on my phone or computer with jombo23's photos :thinking:
If photos are store on a 3rd party server
all the Forum does is use that URL and it is
up to you to resize the Pics to 800X600 so
that ALL members can see them..
If you are downloading your computer stored
pics then the Forum Download manager will
limit the size of a pic download to 800X600.

Boy I tell ya h'wat, if anything takes up my whole screen its all those darn defunct links at the top of every page. somebody needs to buy that site and put the stuff back up. or. something


Even that pic you show is 2.5 screens wide.
I don't see that actual Forum page that wide
on my screen. It is one screen wide.

do people really still use CSS? there are so many vulnerabilities open to script kiddies. microsoft recommends switching all private servers to CS:GO, their new silverlight based API

If members respect the max pic size and
limit to 800x600 then there is no problem.
The Forum has been running and showing
800x600 pics just fine since the 1st day..

BTW can't understand why you can see
those huge 5,248 X 3,936 photos of the
OP just fine and yet can't see all the screen
of a standard Forum page...:thinking:

Must be something on your computer end.

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If photos are store on a 3rd party server
all the Forum does is use that URL and it is
up to you to resize the Pics to 800X600 so
that ALL members can see them..
If you are downloading your computer stored
pics then the Forum Download manager will
limit the size of a pic download to 800X600.

Even that pic you show is 2.5 screens wide.
I don't see that actual Forum page that wide
on my screen. It is one screen wide.

If members respect the max pic size and
limit to 800x600 then there is no problem.
The Forum has been running and showing
800x600 pics just fine since the 1st day..

BTW can't understand why you can see
those huge 5,248 X 3,936 photos of the
OP just fine and yet can't see all the screen
of a standard Forum page...:thinking:

Must be something on your computer end.


Vbulletin uses css to fit the images in the post by width, look at the page source.

I'll fix up my posts on Saturday, sorry for the inconvenience
The issue with image scaling isn't to do with browser vs browser, or desktop vs mobile. Some time ago Avery (website owner/dev) introduced a new "style" for the forums, which implements a couple new features. One of these features is touch-friendly controls for mobile, as well as image scaling. I'm pretty sure the intention for this is to make it easier to browse LPF on a phone/tablet.

The reason why some members have scaling and others don't is probably because older members will still have the older style, and newer members have this updated style because it's now the default.

You can quickly switch between the styles at the bottom of the website:

The issue with image scaling isn't to do with browser vs browser, or desktop vs mobile. Some time ago Avery (website owner/dev) introduced a new "style" for the forums, which implements a couple new features. One of these features is touch-friendly controls for mobile, as well as image scaling. I'm pretty sure the intention for this is to make it easier to browse LPF on a phone/tablet.

The reason why some members have scaling and others don't is probably because older members will still have the older style, and newer members have this updated style because it's now the default.

You can quickly switch between the styles at the bottom of the website:


That explains a lot.

Thanks for the information.
I doubt it would effect you, Jombo. You haven't been here that long. This pertains to people who have been here for many years.
