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FrozenGate by Avery

JLasers - GH04C06V9G TRUE 10W Diode!


Thanks RC, and LDS. I hate killing diodes, when it is so easy to ask others for help.
That would make a great data link through an 8” telescope. Also at 8w it is 444nm which is perfect for Py pumping.
A dual folded end pumped cavity could get 16W pump and likely make 2-3W red. That’s OPSL territory.

https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0030399222008660 Looks like they got 3.5w from 16w pump into a fiber. Fiber is around 500.00 a meter and you need 1.8M so thi is not a cheap laser.
that's probably one of the worst ways of pumping Pr lasers in a long time.
Man, I can’t wait to get my hands on one, I knew it would be a good diode but I didn’t expect 10W!! I wonder how much better the 7W diode will perform??
Not much better is just a higher bin
Iam running this diode with a 5Ah driver, 7.4 volts (2x 18650). I do not have any way to test the optical power, just went by your graph. I figure between 8w and 9 w.
