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FrozenGate by Avery

JetLasers 445nm - Focus locked itself

nice to hear that

A replacement part is already on its way to me. He has said I'll have to send in the part I currently have, which of course makes sense. They may want to take it apart to see what went wrong. Might help them prevent it happening in the future, which would only be good.

....As I expected- including the need to return-
I will get the pics from Gray and post them-

if you have never shipped USPS to China and have any Qs about the MANY forms with HARDLY enough room PLUS the confusing addys over there let me know- but it 'is what it is' and any mistakes filling these forms out can result in a lost package-- see if they will let you use thier ~19$ flat rate envelop- if well bubble wrappped it will be fine-

note that the part was sent w/o need to have the bad one delivered first-
PLZ keep us in the loop- posting 'happy endings' needs to be equally important IMHO
your new part should already be there=
speed of delivery to many here is important--so Express ship and no wait make JL stand above any others we deal with in China.

:) --------------...>(*U*)<...

Also the more time I spend with the JetLasers website the more I want a 532nm TiB...

I couild not get either site to load last night- AFAIK 'IF' there are any 532 Ti-s left -do not wait and more being made when these are gone is doubtful- while a astounding and unique 'one-of' HH laser- profitwise the Ti-B was a FAIL-- host cost was so high they were first offered IIRC at $220. I have shown mine to many machinists and ALL say its a 'work of art' and that Ti is the worst to work with- known by them as a 'tool buster'- the knurling is fine and well done- the square threads are rare- & harder to make- BUT it is physically impossible to crross thread a Ti-B. It has one the the sharpest attack crowns around- some were no liking them- some saw it as a big plus- go figure- it will cut you- so between green eye-dazzling and the sharp crown makes this laser into a effective yet non-lethal self protection'tool'-- Hoslters that fit are not hard to find. I have a small list of members wanting to buy (~$100) any JL Ti-B 'fails' just for the unique host- I only know of two that failed.

sry for going off topic

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