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FrozenGate by Avery

Jet Lasers PLE Pro 520nm 70mW

Nov 18, 2012
I'm thinking about buying this laser for some general star gazing, but I have a few questions about the options:

1. Is the beam expander worth it? Does it make the beam visibility significantly greater?
2. Manual or Code lock? What are the pros/cons?
3. What is the duty cycle of this laser? Can I run it continously? Would 50 mW have a better duty cycle?
4. How much more operational battery life do the larger capacity batteries give?

Thanks in advance!

Just my opinion that is a large host for that WL and output. They have the mini which is scaled down. Say you have 100mw of green beam in a 1mm x 1mm dimension. A 10x BE would redistribute the output to 1mw per 1mm x 1mm. But the effective area would be 10mm x 10mm. I would be underwhelmed with this.
Jetlaser is the go to for dpss handhelds. Sanwu is well represented with a variety of direct diode handhelds as well as a 3x BE.
JL has a 532nm in a mini host that should be outstanding. Their 10x BE is a great compliment to their dpss lineup.
Sanwu has a 532nm pointer that is of great value and guaranteed quality and output. Their 3x BE works well with all of their lasers minus the pocket model and certain models of their low prices pointers. I would steer you towards their Guardian model. 1w 405nm will burn just about anything including tinder even white paper. Their 100mw 532 pointer would cover your other request. Ask Podo for an extra lens cover for the 532nm pointer to keep the dust out.
Don't neglect your eyes. Allot $60 for a pair of Eagles.
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Just my opinion that is a large host for that WL and output. They have the mini which is scaled down. Say you have 100mw of green beam in a 1mm x 1mm dimension. A 10x BE would redistribute the output to 1mw per 1mm x 1mm. But the effective area would be 10mm x 10mm. I would be underwhelmed with this.
Jetlaser is the go to for dpss handhelds. Sanwu is well represented with a variety of direct diode handhelds as well as a 3x BE.
JL has a 532nm in a mini host that should be outstanding. Their 10x BE is a great compliment to their dpss lineup.
Sanwu has a 532nm pointer that is of great value and guaranteed quality and output. Their 3x BE works well with all of their lasers minus the pocket model and certain models of their low prices pointers. I would steer you towards their Guardian model. 1w 405nm will burn just about anything including tinder even white paper. Their 100mw 532 pointer would cover your other request. Ask Podo for an extra lens cover for the 532nm pointer to keep the dust out.
Don't neglect your eyes. Allot $60 for a pair of Eagles.

Thanks for the input. I'll look into the mini! Already have a pair of nice safety goggles too :)

I was worried that the DPSS lasers would have less longevity and efficiency. Is this not the case?

Also, any thoughts on the duty cycle? I saw Sanwu had a 45 sec duty cycle on their 70 mW verison and heard that JL offered nearly infinite duty cycles. Is this true? I intend to use it for long durations.
A 70mw jetlaser with that host should have a nearly unlimited duty cycle. Go ahead and ask Gray to be sure though.
I must not be understanding the duty cycle your intending. Your original plan may be the best choice. 26650s and a very large heatsink and host. Maybe a maglight and diode/driver module kit would be comparable and repairable if you were to burn out your diode. And an additional plus would be that you could use 36650 cells. Check out Lifetime17 host kit thread. And the diode PL520 50 mw single mode diode. The PL520B is another option with output under 150mw.

I was worried that the DPSS lasers would have less longevity and efficiency. Is this not the case?


I would not be affraid of that - likely the IR pump diode dies faster than crystals. However they are not that efficient, but in this power I would not be affraid of that - it just takes more power and heats a bit more. The more is the concern if you plan it to use it in cool temperatures and/or very humid environment and/or conditions with strong vibration, risk of mechanical shock etc - crystals might misalign. However you likely get nicer beam from DPSS - larger optical cavity compared to diode.

Edit: And one more thing about diodes - they are considered to be sensitive for back reflections due to small lasing region, where energy might be concentrated enough to damage it. That means if you have not AR coated optic for that wavelength for example or more likely if you shine it against something like mirror and the beam hits the aperture. That should not be issue with DPSS (the crystals are much larger than diode active region).
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