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Israel bombed Iranian Embassy

Well, we shall see. It really depends on what the verdict is. If Trump is convicted by a jury of his peers he very well may go to prison. And don't forget that he has three more indictments to get through. A total of 91 charges. That is a lot of potential time. Just because no other former president has ever been convicted doesn't mean Trump can't be. Even Nixon was pardoned as he really thought he would go to prison. No need to pardon anyone who is above the law.

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Well, we shall see. It really depends on what the verdict is. If Trump is convicted by a jury of his peers he very well may go to prison. And don't forget that he has three more indictments to get through. A total of 91 charges. That is a lot of potential time. Just because no other former president has even been convicted doesn't mean Trump can't be. Even Nixon was pardoned as he really thought he would go to prison. No need to pardon anyone who is above the law.
That and we know that no president is beyond getting assassinated too
That and we know that no president is beyond getting assassinated too

Well, I'd never suggest that someone assassinate Trump. If he is convicted, however, he should go to prison. Think how prejudicial it would be to give a convicted felon a pass just because he once lived in the White House.

A full jury has now been empaneled along with one alternate. Was hoping they would get this done quickly.
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Nobody is above the law...... bullshit !
Ever heard of diplomatic immunity ?

An American president can order a person or persons they feel is a threat killed without a trial, without any congressional hoop-la, Obama was famous for having Americans killed overseas, an American President can order American men and women to war..... Obama invaded and bombed/attacked many people in many countries killing innocent people.

An American President is above the law while in office and to prevent retaliation/manipulation has to be above the law once out of office, this political lawfare against Trump weakens our country and makes every future President a target once out of office and that weakens the office of President and our nation because it opens up a President to manipulation while in office.

This political lawfare against Trump is 3rd world election interference and it sets a dangerous and damaging precedent, if Biden had a working mind he would pardon Trump for anything he is convicted of in order to defend future Presidents from political manipulation while in office, but Biden is hardly aware of who is changing his diaper, still an American President ( in office or not ) can not be locked up, not even for mass murder and genocide like Obama committed against people including Americans overseas, no American President has been locked up for anything and Trump won't be the 1st.... otherwise the office of President of The United States of America would be severely diminished forever, but it's not going to happen beyond possibly some " house arrest scheme " to try to further interfere with Trumps reelection.
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Didn't they pardon a turkey one time? lol
What do you think of a conservative local prosecutor trying to charge President Biden with failing to adequately guard the border once out of office ?

I think we need some local prosecutors to charge democrat governors with violating citizens second amendment rights, lets lock up Gavin Newsome and Kathy Hochul.... ohh and NJ governor Phil Murphy, he belongs in jail, I'm sure a local conservative county prosecutor could bring him up on charges, a jury of rednecks could convict him and lock up this anti 2A governor.

Hell a prosecutor from Georgia congress woman Majorie Taylor Greens district can charge every State Governor who's passed an unconstitutional gun law, find them guilty and LOCK THEM UP.... sounds dam good to me !
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Nobody is above the law...... bullshit !
Ever heard of diplomatic immunity ?

An American president can order a person or persons they feel is a threat killed without a trial, without any congressional hoop-la, Obama was famous for having Americans killed overseas, an American President can order American men and women to war..... Obama invaded and bombed/attacked many people in many countries killing innocent people.

An American President is above the law while in office and to prevent retaliation/manipulation has to be above the law once out of office, this political lawfare against Trump weakens our country and makes every future President a target once out of office and that weakens the office of President and our nation because it opens up a President to manipulation while in office.

This political lawfare against Trump is 3rd world election interference and it sets a dangerous and damaging precedent, if Biden had a working mind he would pardon Trump for anything he is convicted of in order to defend future Presidents from political manipulation while in office, but Biden is hardly aware of who is changing his diaper, still an American President ( in office or not ) can not be locked up, not even for mass murder and genocide like Obama committed against people including Americans overseas, no American President has been locked up for anything and Trump won't be the 1st.... otherwise the office of President of The United States of America would be severely diminished forever, but it's not going to happen beyond possibly some " house arrest scheme " to try to further interfere with Trumps reelection.

This is the nonsense that Fox News is putting out. Let's see what the Jury says. ;)
You know if it weren't for Trump acting like a mob boss this wouldn't be a problem. He has tweeted about jurors, prospective jurors and witnesses in contravention to Judge Merchan's orders. Fox News pushes this too. One juror asked to be relieved of her duties because she feared for her life. Nobody outside of a mob bosses trial goes through that. Trump always comes out complaining he's the victim in all of this and today brought props in the form of many papers claiming they were news reports that backed him up that he shouldn't be on trial. Of course he showed these to no one. Just complained.

This coming Tuesday Judge Merchan will hold a hearing to penalize Trump for his refusal to obey the judge's rules on jurors and witnesses. Trump's lead counsel lost when he was unable to tell Juan Merchan that if the prosecution gave him the witness list he could guarantee Trump wouldn't tweet about it and Trump's lawyer couldn't even say that. I look for Trump being told that he will pay fines for his actions AND if it continues he'll be held in contempt. That's 30 days in jail. If what I expect comes true lets see if Trump continues to behave as he has.
Trump will not go to jail, but I hope he does, because it would establish a precedent letting us go after politicians the same way, we will lock up every state governor who passed and enforced any unconstitutional gun laws for color of law crimes and civil rights violations. GOA, SAF, FPC, NAGR have millions of members ( myself included ) we have the manpower and the money to get it done...... I really hope they do lock Trump up because then the gloves will have come off. But it's not going to happen.

You know Senators and Congressmen who violate citizens rights will be susceptible as well, insider trading, taking bribes........any little county prosecutor can bring them up on charges....... Maxine Walters, Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff......Obama and Hillary too, Fast and Furious, IRS scandals...... Clintons should be brought up on Murder.......lock em all up.
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Trump will not go to jail, but I hope he does, because it would establish a precedent letting us go after politicians the same way, we will lock up every state governor who passed and enforced any unconstitutional gun laws for color of law crimes and civil rights violations. GOA, SAF, FPC, NAGR have millions of members ( myself included ) we have the manpower and the money to get it done...... I really hope they do lock Trump up because then the gloves will have come off. But it's not going to happen.

You know Senators and Congressmen who violate citizens rights will be susceptible as well, insider trading, taking bribes........any little county prosecutor can bring them up on charges....... Maxine Walters, Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff......Obama and Hillary too, Fast and Furious, IRS scandals...... Clintons should be brought up on Murder.......lock em all up.

Just because many people in this country are in favor of stricter gun laws doesn't mean you should threaten them with some armed conflict. Some might see that and take you at our word. You wouldn't want to be prosecuted too, would you?
WTF are you talking about threatening an armed conflict ?
Stop putting words in my mouth you dishonest liar.

Tell me exactly where I threatened an armed conflict paul, exactly which sentence did I type that gave you that impression. But since there isn't one..... From my cold dead hands you dishonest liar !

I'm willing to fight for my rights, if that makes you uncomfortable then too bad, I will exercise my freedom of speech and I will defend my rights no matter the cost, you one sided liberals are the threat to democracy.
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Many people, including many gun owners, are in favor of common sense gun laws. Your threats about going after politicians is not legal speech. Free speech is not absolute and you should know that. There are many things that are not covered by the First Amendment. Threats against government officials is one of those.
WTF are you talking about threats ?

I am talking about doing exactly what is being done to Trump, legally, in court...... how the hell can you support what's being done to Trump on one hand, and call me suggesting the same can be done to crooked politicians a " threat " on the other hand ?

Are you so biased that you can't see your hypocrisy ?

Everything I said is legal speech !

Do you not see the problem with letting county prosecutors go after Presidents for things that did not happen in their county ?
Do you not see how that could proliferate into all politicians becoming the targets of county prosecutors ?

Rather than admit your hypocrisy you accuse me of threats, amazing.

I want you to tell me EXACTLY what I said that's not legal speech, what I said that is a threat and a threat of what ? Where did I say anything about an armed conflict ? Show me paul !

You just called my suggesting locking up crooked politicians by way of charges brought by county prosecutors an " illegal to speak threat against a politician " HOLLY CRAP PAUL, you are a liberal control freak and a monumental hypocrite !
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WTF are you talking about threats ?

I am talking about doing exactly what is being done to Trump, legally, in court...... how the hell can you support what's being done to Trump on one hand, and call me suggesting the same can be done to crooked politicians a " threat " on the other hand ?

Are you so biased that you can't see your hypocrisy ?

Everything I said is legal speech !

Do you not see the problem with letting county prosecutors go after Presidents for things that did not happen in their county ?
Do you not see how that could proliferate into all politicians becoming the targets of county prosecutors ?

Rather than admit your hypocrisy you accuse me of threats, amazing.

I want you to tell me EXACTLY what I said that's not legal speech, what I said that is a threat and a threat of what ? Where did I say anything about an armed conflict ? Show me paul !

You just called my suggesting locking up crooked politicians by way of charges brought by county prosecutors an " illegal to speak threat against a politician " HOLLY CRAP PAUL, you are a liberal control freak and a monumental hypocrite !

How are you going to prosecute anyone, especially a government official? Unless you are a DA, an AG or special prosecutor you have no way of doing that. Which politicians are crooked? The Democrats? That is rich. The only way to take out politicians is to win the vote. Money can't do that and unless you are Trump, who actually did commit crimes that is your only way. Trump has been a defendant in a criminal trial who has done the opposite of the judges orders. There is a hearing on Tuesday and don't be surprised if one of the conditions is he will be held in contempt if he doesn't stop. Trials can't go on with a defendant who refuses to obey the rules.
What didn't you understand about a small rural county prosecutor in a red conservative community bringing crooked democrat politicians up on charges, such as State governors who have passed and enforced unconstitutional gun laws that are being challenged in court, they can be charged with color of law and civil rights crimes against the people they have prosecuted under an unconstitutional law....... this is not an illegal threat, this is using the system just like it's being used against Trump.

Seems to me you are pretending to not understand rather than face your hypocrisy.

#1 You owe my an apology for accusing me of something I didn't do. ( Threatening politicians )
#2 You still haven't shown me where I said anything about an armed conflict. ( those are your words you attempted to put in my mouth )
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