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Israel bombed Iranian Embassy

The FBI lies, they have Hunters laptop and they knew it was real.
Democrats will be lucky to control anything in 2025 as the Biden admin has been a dismal failure.
Fox news is far more trustworthy than anywhere you regurgitate your false narrative and political misinformation from.

The democrat controlled Senate didn't even hear the reports, they swept it under the rug to protect Mayorkas.
Democrats are a clear and present threat to democracy, they have become radical and are out of control.

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The FBI lies, they have Hunters laptop and they knew it was real.
Democrats will be lucky to control anything in 2025 as the Biden admin has been a dismal failure.
Fox news is far more trustworthy than anywhere you regurgitate your false narrative and political misinformation from.

The democrat controlled Senate didn't even hear the reports, they swept it under the rug to protect Mayorkas.
Democrats are a clear and present threat to democracy, they have become radical and are out of control.

:LOL: I watched that entire hearing. The Senate found that Mayorkas never said he had operational control making this a truly idiotic attempt to distract voters from the House's inability to pass any legislation that has a chance of passing and being sent to President Biden's desk. Trump told his Republicans in the Senate to "kill" a bill that would have given Biden better control over the border. He wants to run on border security which he cannot do if the border is under control.
Donald Trump has now posted about jurors in contradiction to Judge Merchan's order to not do this under any circumstances. I expect the prosecution to raise this issue first thing tomorrow. I also expect Judge Merchan to order Trump to remove his posts and to hold a hearing on punishment of criminal defendant Donald Trump. What an idiot!
Sounds like political embellishment, besides democrats have failed to protect our border for the last 3 years and Trump is not in charge right now, actually democrats reversed Trumps successful border policy right after Biden was sworn in and Biden admin. policy has done damage that will take years to clean up.

Never fear though, because Trump knows how to fix our Southern border and our economy as well as managing foreign affairs without provoking WWIII, Trump will fix many of the Biden admin's blunders in 2025 when Trump is POTUS again and he will be, because we can't take 4 more years without a mentally competent leader...... remember it's not just the US but the world needs a strong America and that means an American President who isn't a faltering senile embarrassment who doesn't even know where he is.
Sounds like political embellishment, besides democrats have failed to protect our border for the last 3 years and Trump is not in charge right now, actually democrats reversed Trumps successful border policy right after Biden was sworn in and Biden admin. policy has done damage that will take years to clean up.

Never fear though, because Trump knows how to fix our Southern border and our economy as well as managing foreign affairs without provoking WWIII, Trump will fix many of the Biden admin's blunders in 2025 when Trump is POTUS again and he will be, because we can't take 4 more years without a mentally competent leader...... remember it's not just the US but the world needs a strong America and that means an American President who isn't a faltering senile embarrassment who doesn't even know where he is.

You mean "Sleepy Don"? That's the guy who's gonna fix all your ills? :LOL: Trump just posted about potential jurors in contradiction to Judge Mechan's explicit orders. And he didn't just repost someone else's post. He had to type it out in order to do it the way he did. He will have to deal with that first thing tomorrow. Gotta love old sleepy Don. :ROFLMAO:
Good for President Trump, taking a stand for Freedom of speech during this blatant election interference and it really shows how desperate democrats are when they are willing to go against their long standing disastrous open border policy before the election, as if the corrupt Biden admin. wouldn't undo anything they did to trick voters after the election.
There you go again with the "stolen election" crap. Trump is a criminal defendant who posted lies about potential jurors and he will pay the price for that tomorrow. Trump is a narcissistic xenophobic sociopath. You think he does anything for anyone other than himself? He doesn't! He is just one very sick individual!

Do you remember when Republicans tried to impeach Biden after he was in office just 30 hours? They spent the next three years trying to pin anything on him. It failed in spectacular terms. They did find one "witness" that claimed Biden had done all sorts of criminal activities. Turns out he was taking his cues from Russia and has since been arrested twice for lying to the FBI. :LOL:
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With the deep state dems controlling the Senate it's no surprise that our system of checks and balances has failed, although someday I hope at least a few democrat congress members will honor their oath and stand for justice, but not today, not before an election.

Biden is a criminal and a senile buffoon, but still he's an elitist buffoon, he has no business as leader of our nation...... 8 years of Biden..... no, I just don't see it.

Yeah I don't think biden is going to win again either
With the deep state dems controlling the Senate it's no surprise that our system of checks and balances has failed, although someday I hope at least a few democrat congress members will honor their oath and stand for justice, but not today, not before an election.

Biden is a criminal and a senile buffoon, but still he's an elitist buffoon, he has no business as leader of our nation...... 8 years of Biden..... no, I just don't see it.

Today's impeachment of DHS Secretary Mayorkas was done only because Republican's failed so spectacularly in their impeachment attempt of Joe Biden. PERIOD! Better get used to four more years of Biden. Kari Lake running for the Senate in Arizona has now been moved from a dead even race to one where the Democratic Senator is ahead. This is happening in all the swing states. Can't wait to hear you bitch and moan again.

That video of Biden stating that Poroshenko was removed because he knew that Biden was doing illegal things is a Republican wet dream and always has been. Biden, then Vice President, did this to remove a corrupt Ukrainian official at Obama's order.
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Today's impeachment of DHS Secretary Mayorkas was done only because Republican's failed so spectacularly in their impeachment attempt of Joe Biden. PERIOD! Better get used to four more years of Biden. Kari Lake running for the Senate in Arizona has now been moved from a dead even race to one where the Democratic Senator is ahead. This is happening in all the swing states. Can't wait to hear you bitch and moan again.

That video of Biden stating that Poroshenko was removed because he knew that Biden was doing illegal things is a Republican wet dream and always has been. Biden, then Vice President, did this to remove a corrupt Ukrainian official at Obama's order.

What are you talking about, Poroshenko wasn't removed, Viktor Shokin the State prosecutor investigating Hunter Bidens Burisma corruption was fired after Joe Biden dangled a BILLION DOLLARS.

Petro Poroshenko was the 5th President of Ukraine 2014-2019 and Viktor Yanukovych had been the 4th President of Ukraine who was serving as Prime Minister, listen to what Biden said in the video, he said he got promises from Poroshenko and Yanukovych to remove the State prosecutor, but when they didn't Biden said he told them they would not get the BILLION DOLLARS.

Biden withheld a BILLION DOLLAR loan guarantee ( with Obamas help ) to get Viktor Shokin fired because he was investigating Hunter Bidens Burisma corruption and the moron admitted it .... bragged about it on video.

Biden said " I'm leaving here in 6 hours, if the prosecutor isn't fired you're not getting the BILLION DOLLARS...... well son of a bitch Biden said, he got fired. "

Biden dangled a BILLION DOLLARS with Obamas help to get the Ukrainian State prosecutor investigating his son Hunter Biden fired, but Trump is in court over nonsense and Trump was impeached for seeking the truth about the Bidens corruption in Ukraine, if Biden is reelected then I fear America is doomed.

Get ready to deal with your TDS paul, Biden isn't getting 4 more years and democrats know it, that's why Trump is being harassed/persecuted.
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What are you talking about, Poroshenko wasn't removed, Viktor Shokin the State prosecutor investigating Hunter Bidens Burisma corruption was fired after Joe Biden dangled a BILLION DOLLARS.

Petro Poroshenko was the 5th President of Ukraine 2014-2019 and Viktor Yanukovych had been the 4th President of Ukraine who was serving as Prime Minister, listen to what Biden said in the video, he said he got promises from Poroshenko and Yanukovych to remove the State prosecutor, but when they didn't Biden said he told them they would not get the BILLION DOLLARS.

Biden withheld a BILLION DOLLAR loan guarantee ( with Obamas help ) to get Viktor Shokin fired because he was investigating Hunter Bidens Burisma corruption and the moron admitted it .... bragged about it on video.

Biden said " I'm leaving here in 6 hours, if the prosecutor isn't fired you're not getting the BILLION DOLLARS...... well son of a bitch Biden said, he got fired. "

Biden dangled a BILLION DOLLARS with Obamas help to get the Ukrainian State prosecutor investigating his son Hunter Biden fired, but Trump is in court over nonsense and Trump was impeached for seeking the truth about the Bidens corruption in Ukraine, if Biden is reelected then I fear America is doomed.

Get ready to deal with your TDS paul, Biden isn't getting 4 more years and democrats know it, that's why Trump is being harassed/persecuted.

Yeah, it was Shokin that Biden removed BECAUSE he was corrupt. It had nothing to do with Hunter Biden. In fact Shokin couldn't care less about Hunter Biden. Trying to somehow make this a real thing has been Republican's biggest wet dream since Biden was elected president. Funny how you never made a deal out of this until Trump made a big deal out of getting Ukraine to announce an investigation into Biden. Trump is a criminal defendant who can't keep his big mouth shut and is possibly going to end up in jail prior to any conviction for that reason. He has been warned many times what is off limits in Judge Juan Merchan's courtroom, but he is a sociopath and apparently can't help himself. With 34 counts in this trial and three more indictments to go...the one in Florida being the worst he will likely become inmate Trump before all is said and done. Trump is not being harassed. He is a criminal defendant and will be until he goes to prison.

Judge Merchan has put off dealing with Trump's posts about potential jurors until the 23rd. Most think this is in deference to trying to be fair to the defendant.
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Trump may be convicted and sentenced by a corrupt court ( it will be appealed and overturned ) but it's all academic, Trump will never go to prison, no piss-ant corrupt judge could ever effect incarceration, just imagine the local sheriffs facing off with the secret service and a million citizens showing up to the fiasco if it wasn't dissolved quickly..... maybe that's what the deep state wants? An excuse to declare Marshall law ?

Honestly I think they know better, any order to Trump to turn himself in would be ignored, some kind of house arrest would be the best you could hope for and Trump would campaign from his rooftop no matter what any judge orders, it would guarantee Trumps reelection.... no, this corrupt trial will be another media political theater Trump bashing festival where cnn gets to call him convict Trump...... I can hear the cnn anchor now..... oh no, it really happened, convict Trump has won reelection, boo hoo hoo.
Juan Merchan is a highly respected judge in NY Superior Court. Just because Fox News and Donald Trump calls anyone involved in holding him to account for his crimes a liberal conspirator doesn't make that so. The judge in this case has ruled as many times in favor of Trump as he has for the prosecution. If he hadn't, that might be a reason to appeal. You can't just go to the appellate court because you don't like what the jury decided. You thought Trump would never stand trial. He could absolutely go to prison. If he is convicted it would be far from impartial to allow him to run free. NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW!
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Mark my words, Trump will never go to prison ! Nor will Biden, Obama, Clinton.... they are above the law, this trial is political theater.
