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FrozenGate by Avery

Is there anyone here that has any knowledge of German built , co2 lasers built in 1965 and how to operate it? Willing to pay you for your time! Please

May 17, 2014
Please miss me with any kind of misinformation. I bought an antique at an auction that was once an engineering tool at a university. It's big, is bad and it's German!!! I believe it's all there. I can't find any info on web anywhere. Have not searched dark web cuz I've never been there. At any rate i would love some input on this topic. Thanks for taking the rooms to read this! Respectfully mmcclite

Post this on Photonlexicon. There is a guy who collects old lasers and should know
I heard from the person I mentioned and he said do not atempt to run it. It will be ruined. It belongs in a musuem.
Please miss me with any kind of misinformation. I bought an antique at an auction that was once an engineering tool at a university. It's big, it's bad and it's German!!! I believe it's all there. I can't find any info on web anywhere. Have not searched dark web cuz I've never been there. At any rate i would love some input on this topic. Thanks for taking the time to read this! Respectfully mmcclite ( I sound like some kind of Jerk, jeez! No wonder no one responded)
I heard from the person I mentioned and he said do not atempt to run it. It will be ruined. It belongs in a musuem.
So I finally found out that it's not a laser and that it's a180lb dilatometer microscope uses for measuring the differences in elongation of different metals at any given temperature but mostly high temperature. I have no use for this. I've been hornswaggled by an auctioneer. Sorry to have brought it to the forum with my crappy opening statement! Thank you for your time sir.
I edited the rude intro to this post, and sorry about that I bought an antique at an auction that was once an engineering tool at a university. It's big, is bad and it's German!!! I believe it's all there. I can't find any info on web anywhere. Have not searched dark web cuz I've never been there. At any rate i would love some input on this topic. Thanks for taking the time to read this! Respectfully mmcclite
After almost 8 years of research almost every night for a long time I found out that this isn't a laser I had purchased for ungodly amount of cash, but instead is a dilatometer microscope made by Ernst Leitz and that is for measuring the difference in elongation of metals or any other ma5terial as it heats up the comparison. For like welding or ceramics BUT NOT A LASER! AND I'M SORRY A45BOUT DEVIATING FROM the maintenence b vv
The first commercially available CO2 laser was the Perkin-Elmer model 6200, first introduced in the middle of 1966. This is a "Holy Grail" of laser collecting!

PE 6200 Brochure A.jpegPE 6200 Brochurre B.jpeg
The first CO2 laser was made at Bell Labs by C.K.N. Patel, seen here running it later in life. I have a pair of those mirror mounts made for another Bell Labs researcher (T.J. Bridges) also below.

Patel's Laser.jpgBell Labs Mirror Mounts.jpg
