Please miss me with any kind of misinformation. I bought an antique at an auction that was once an engineering tool at a university. It's big, it's bad and it's German!!! I believe it's all there. I can't find any info on web anywhere. Have not searched dark web cuz I've never been there. At any rate i would love some input on this topic. Thanks for taking the time to read this! Respectfully mmcclite ( I sound like some kind of Jerk, jeez! No wonder no one responded)
I heard from the person I mentioned and he said do not atempt to run it. It will be ruined. It belongs in a musuem.
So I finally found out that it's not a laser and that it's a180lb dilatometer microscope uses for measuring the differences in elongation of different metals at any given temperature but mostly high temperature. I have no use for this. I've been hornswaggled by an auctioneer. Sorry to have brought it to the forum with my crappy opening statement! Thank you for your time sir.