Siopao, the little green bar at the bottom of that funny box on the left means that thier "small meaningless existances' are not as small as yours. They are harsh on everybody new who comes on here and makes STUPID mistakes and comments (I've made my share, so I can speak with some authority on the issue). You need to LEARN some things before you try to confront the vets. If you don't like it, tough. Get over it and learn, or leave. There is a wealth of info available here, if you just look for it. Show some initiative and some effort. It ain't nice when they treat you like the idiot that you come off as. The way to stop it is stop looking like an idiot. I don't agree with the tendency they display some times, but THEY HAVE EARNED thier positions on the forum, you, and I, haven't. Your options are to: shut up and learn from them, leave, or continue to waste everybody's time and be made fun of. End OF Rant.
B.T.W. to answer your initial query: Yes, it IS possible, you have made a burning (or burnt) laser from part of your computer! congratulations! If you had read more and listened more, before tearing your computer apart, you might have avoided blowing a perfectly useless I.R. laser diode.....
Enjoy your time on the forum, Newer than me bie. I'll leave it to the others to say welcome.