Where here frequents "the IRC"... usually when I'm hacking on projects late at night I'm also idling on efnet... Would be cool to talk with other LPF'ers in real time....
#lpf and #lasers are both available on efnet. I'm also not opposed to hosting it on irc.FreeNode.net
If you're interested, reply in this thread. I'm usually on after 6pm PST. If we get a regular presence going I can arrange for a bot or three to hold the channel, auto-op, etc...
you can find me on efnet as 'Jewdass'
#lpf and #lasers are both available on efnet. I'm also not opposed to hosting it on irc.FreeNode.net
If you're interested, reply in this thread. I'm usually on after 6pm PST. If we get a regular presence going I can arrange for a bot or three to hold the channel, auto-op, etc...
you can find me on efnet as 'Jewdass'