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Indirectly got hit in the eye with a red <5mW 650nm “class III” laser pointer


New member
May 24, 2019
Hey guys, my first post.

***Please don’t be mean, as I know this is probably a dumb question but I honestly don’t know really anything about lasers***

My boyfriend was playing with his cat who loves laser pointers.

He went to point it past his snake’s glass cage and I guess it reflected into my left eye for a split second somehow.

The laser pointer’s warning label says:
WAVELENGTH 650nm +- 10,
This product complies with 21 CFR,

(I will post a picture of it too)

It is a red laser pointer.

My boyfriend has had it forever and doesn’t remember where he got it.

I know you guys can’t give medical advice but I’m just wondering if this specific laser pointer has power/potential to injure my eye?


Unfortunately that pen style pointer is more than 5mw. It's marked that way to sell. I have a couple that do 100mW+.
They are stronger than the dollar store key chain type cat toys. 5mW is the limit of power that the normal persons blink reflex can possibly block a accidental strike.
You know the deal, if your seeing any spot's and or are worried than yes go to a doctor.
Especially if you feel like you where hit with a good strike.

This pen laser is NOT a good cat toy or for any animal. It's way to powerful and it stinks that they label them as 5mW's.. Get a small key chain one for a $1:)
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Same as above. Yes, this laser would almost certainly exceed the 5mW it states. By how much varies. but you are looking at a Class 3b laser which can cause temporary or permanent damage. Like you correctly pointed out, we are not medical doctors so we can not say whether or not you will be ok.
However, I'll add this logic to the equation. If you are concerned enough to sign up to a laser forum and ask us, then you are concerned enough to go to a doctor to make sure that you are ok.

I have this post in my signature for this reason:

Unfortunately that pen style pointer is more than 5mw. It's marked that way to sell. I have a couple that do 100mW+.
They are stronger than the dollar store key chain type cat toys. 5mW is the limit of power that the normal persons blink reflex can possibly block a accidental strike.
You know the deal, if your seeing any spot's and or are worried than yes go to a doctor.
Especially if you feel like you where hit with a good strike.

This pen laser is NOT a good cat toy. It's way to powerful and it stinks that they label them as 5mW's.. Get a small key chain one for a $1:)

Thank you for your reply!!

I think my eye is okay.
It is still SLIGHTLY achey and WAS a slight little blurry but it seems to be getting better/less blurry already now. I didn’t and still don’t see any spots in my vision or anything like that.

I unscrewed the pen apart and took the two AAA batteries out.
I stashed it where my boyfriend’s nephew can’t find it while telling my boyfriend that we are going to get rid of the damn thing ASAP, no matter how much his cat loves it.

I am honestly super frustrated and honestly kind of pissed off because as of 12am today is my birthday (23)... really don’t want to have to go to the ER or doctor today but if it gets worse I most certainly will go see one.

Ugh, lol..
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Same as above. Yes, this laser would almost certainly exceed the 5mW it states. By how much varies. but you are looking at a Class 3b laser which can cause temporary or permanent damage. Like you correctly pointed out, we are not medical doctors so we can not say whether or not you will be ok.
However, I'll add this logic to the equation. If you are concerned enough to sign up to a laser forum and ask us, then you are concerned enough to go to a doctor to make sure that you are ok.

I have this post in my signature for this reason:

Thank you for replying!!

But ah, okay, that sucks :/
My eye seems okay to be honest. It was a little blurry at first but the blurriness is already going away now (2hours after it happened).
Definitely getting rid of this laser pointer... we have another keychain type one that the cats love just fine so there’s really no reason to keep this one.

Also, honestly I am the type of person who joins forums and posts questions about anything, big or small.. I always feel there’s no harm in asking questions about things; and I figured this forum would probably be the best place to ask.
I read the safety link you commented before posting this thread. But when I tried looking up the specific specs for this laser pen, I couldn’t find anything anywhere so I just decided to create this post for the specifics.
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No worries, most laser pointers bought cheap online end up exceeding 5mW. Being responsible is the key to ownership of >5mW lasers.
As for coming on here and asking, that's no problem as you was enquiring about the lasers power rather than what you should do.
We have many coming on here asking medical advice after accidents. By the sound of things, you should still go and get your eye checked out to be on the safe side. 2 hours is a long duration, eyesight is precious.
I wish you luck, and hopefully a good rest of your birthday.
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A somewhat accurate 'gauge' is:
'After images' or floaters that go away in a very short time indicate no real exposure.-- Peek at the sun and do the same test. The longest you can look is less than 0.25 seconds.. same with sun.
IF you still see some an hour later..bad sign.
The aching could have come from rubbing your eyes.

In most cases there is no pain from a laser exposure.
The bad part??
the lens in our own eye can make a 5mW into a 50+mW.
Like burning stuff with a mag glass. --lasers therefore are 'brighter' than our Sun. (some need no 'mag glass')
the problem is not with your lasers. it is those holding them.
they were never suppose to be toys-- and IMHO they are abusive as dog 'toys'-- and to a lesser degree cats. Chasing something that you will NEVER catch is torture. A reflection off a fish tank should not do harm. at least way less than a mirror AND the lens in our own eyes.
You wrote the laser beam was NOT direct. and even more than 5mW if reflected indirectly so.. many here are around lasers MANY times more powerful.. and 'harmful' exposures IMHO are rare.

good luck

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the lens in our own eye can make a 5mW into a 50+mW.

