[EDIT: Unnecessary ]
What I meant was: Why dont you spend more time in your projects? Would be more impressive than a toy-gun.
BTW: Took me a bit longer than a weekend.
Why create the host from scratch if one already exists that looks essentially the same? Takes far less time and effort to simply remod an existing host than to create one from scratch. It allows him to spend more time on other aspects such as "Solar power"

Using a premade host also makes it look better since the professionally made hosts are generally more asthetically pleasing than any you make.
Premade - Looks better, takes far less time
Custom - Doesn't look as good, takes a significant amount of time, you can make it do anything you want it to.
There's nothing wrong with either approach, they just both have different advantages. You can argue that yours is better all you want, but in reality the one he made by purchasing the host and remodding it looks far better, and frankly has more functionality. That's not to say yours isn't any good, but diff people have diff reasons for what they do. Your goal is clearly to make something by your own hand, his may simply be to make the best laser he possible could which may not include making his own host since he may not be capable of making one up to the same standards as the existing one with the time alotted.