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I'm back baby!

Apr 26, 2010
All it took was a few discussions with Sam and Kaiser, and I'm BACK!

Here to tear up the DPSS community with some mad science experiments. Just working on getting my high output 808nm c-mount pump head.

For starters, I'm doing 500mW, and it will eb permanently mounted with an FLL to adjust the focus point on external pump optics/mirrors.

I'm excited to move on to this, obvious step in the learning cycle.

From future to present, big to small, I am now progressing into a domain with very little community involvement/tampering, and am very excited to do so :)

I hope to provide not only valued information, but cool pictures and threads showing what I've done well, and perhaps some bloopers here and there.

Sorry for the hiatus! Sorry if I was missed (doubt it :p)
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With all the gas laser subs recently , I think I might scour feebay for a little starter HeNe :)

Welcome back.
