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FrozenGate by Avery

idiot on the forum

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Yeah, looks like it could have been. Not sure if you can tell from mrgoogfan's actual IP (below) if the other was a proxy?

The IP Address is:
The host name is: pool-71-186-193-167.bflony.fios.verizon.net

You can usually tell from the host name. This checks out as a legitimate host; Verizon Fios.

And it seems a lot of people were wrong here. A lot of people accused him of residing in NZ & being lemonwonder.
Give me his IP and I'll make sure his computer never turns on again :eg:

Pfftt, dude, what could you possible do to his computer? Hell, you don't even know what OS he's running so what makes you so sure you can pwn him so easily?

You're cool dude...
Report him to his original IP. I'm sure his parents will put a stop to his chit.

Doubt it. Too many parents don't give a crap what their kids do now days, which is why society is slowly falling apart.
I've never seen him before. How did he get 72 posts in?:undecided:
He must be Super Spammer Idiot Boy
:na: Na,na,na,na GOODBYE!
And it seems a lot of people were wrong here. A lot of people accused him of residing in NZ & being lemonwonder.

There were a lot of coincidental parallels between him and lemonwonder, including physical likeness; but it was not him, no.

Doubt it. Too many parents don't give a crap what their kids do now days, which is why society is slowly falling apart.

I know what your saying there.

Both my youngsters are on a very very short leash.
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