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FrozenGate by Avery

I want the most awesome burning laser

Put the keyboard down and step away from the computer... :D

Thanks, I think I may have been just a bit harsh. I just hate it when people like this show up, and the insult me. He said I don't want an arctic, but if he had just kept all of this under PM's and not in front of every body, the everything would have ben OK. Besides if he had read my thread I sent him, he would have noticed that it was not just selling an arctic.

Thanks, I think I may have been just a bit harsh. I just hate it when people like this show up, and the insult me. He said I don't want an arctic, but if he had just kept all of this under PM's and not in front of every body, the everything would have ben OK. Besides if he had read my thread I sent him, he would have noticed that it was not just selling an arctic.

So, by essentially saying, "sorry, that wasn't what I was looking for, THANKS THOUGH" Insults you? Sounds like you have a rage problem, bro.:mad: I think we need to make sure this guy has some extra protective goggles and maybe a watered down laser. :crackup::crackup::crackup:

Who knows what this animal will do next. WHAT WILL ANGER HIM?!?!:thinking::thinking:
Sooooo not true. I don't know where you're getting your information from. My buddy has a million Watt laser(he calls it the Arctic or something). Its really powerful. He mounts one on his cat and one on his dog and they have laser warz.
the arctic is only 1 watt buddy haha heres the link to wicked lasers. Blue Laser Pointer 1 Watt | S3 Arctic | Spyder III | Wicked Lasers a 1 million watt laser wouldn't even be aloud to be owned by someone it would have to owned by the government or something.
Is this thread still not at the end ?

I sell you my million µW blue laser for a million dollarcent. Doesn't sound it AWESOME ?
