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I think I got scammed


New member
Jul 23, 2020
so like the title said I think that I recently got scammed
well now to get to the details of the scam in depth

it started when i ordered a 100mw (or so the site said) 532nm mid-open fixed focus laser from a site called laserpointerpro.com
the first thing I released was shadey was how long it took to come it said 10-20 business days but it took a month
and it Looked very bright this could have been because I had not seen a laser for a month but then that night it suddenly got dimmer than midnight
then after a couple hours of being just kind of sad realising I had just wasted a month of my life waiting for this thing
but that morning I put new batteries in it and I then stopped being just kind of sad I then tried to pop a black ballon with it and after about half-an-hour(sorry if I spelled that wrong) it didn’t work so I got a bigger (and thinner) ballon but agin nothing so after all this I was nearly 100% convinced I was scammed but then I rem that apparently a 50mw beam was solid looking at night so I waited and waited but it didn’t look solid it was hardly visible and bearly at best
so and also apparently a 100mw beam was visible in wel lit areas well as I just said it wasn’t even visible at night heck it’s was only visible when something was speayed in the air and a lot of it to and that brings me here

now to the evidence that you can find youself by just looking at the page (sorry if i misspelled anything I’m writing this on a iPad And also I well link to the page at the bottom of this page)

the photos that were on the page were obviously fake I could tell because in the first photo the beam is to thick to be real

and well i made this post to make sure what happened to me to happen to anyone else

it won’t let me link the page so heres a photo

Ok the photo was to big so I could not post it so sorry about that but here are some photos of the laser
i lost the clip it fell of when I was changing the batteries
a d to reply to everyone I wasn’t a member of this site when I ordered it I didn’t now it was a scam website

and to reply to the helpful encap I might get the 405s from sanwulasers but I might not
as I said I’m new at this stuff I don’t know what sites I can and cannot trust but you guys have been very helpful
thank you

i have bought the san wu 405s bundle so I am going to request that this thread is closed and once again thank you for you help

okay i don’t know how to close it so just ignore it


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Those pen lasers are hard to get in higher powers. Most of them are around 5-50mW at best. Also, if the brightness decreases suddenly, it could mean that the laser is mode hopping/ the infrared pump diode is broken. Anyway, those pens lasers are literally the cheapest commercially made laser pointers. There is little to zero quality control on them.
If I paid anything more than 5USD for it, then I'd consider it a ripoff and a scam.

I'd recommend you to get some custom made lasers from our members here instead. They have much higher quality and don't die so easily.
I paid 16.99 for it and I didnt know that it is the first laser Over 1mw I have ever own so thank you
Too bad you see/look at LPF for comments about them before you purchased the item. Live and learn.

Avoid laserpointerpro like the diseased web site it is.
They fraudulent present/misrepresent every laser item they resell and overcharge for every item as well.
The are simply Chinese outlaws hiding in/behind China trolling for $$$s with false claims and excessivley high marked up prices.
I would say return it for a replacement or a refund but it would cost more than the item to do so.

IF you want a 50-100mW 532 green laser you can get one for $5 to $10 from many resellers on eBay-- search "laser 301" Is a crap shoot as to what output you get. these are low quality low cost mass produced lasers generally between 50mW and 100mW.
If you want a metered output have a look at Sanwu who resells laser 304s that they meter for stated output- see: https://www.sanwulasers.com/product/304

Don't expect much from bottom of the barrel mass produced "throw away" toy quality lasers.

Have a look at Sanwu's other oferings of better quality that Sanwu actually makes and have a look at JetLasers if you want excellent quality : https://www.jetlasers.org/index.php
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Yes you got scammed---BY YOURSELF

in less time than you took to post here you COULD have used our search
and found this
and would have never purchased from a company with LOTS of bad reviews AND NO good ones---duh!

why does this happen SO OFTEN?? I dunno

WOW! I clicked Encap's link to Sanwu's '304 series and discovered they offer a 100W 405. Great price too!


