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i need a red laser with eye safe?

Sep 28, 2014
I need an eye-safe laser that that work for range f 800-1500 meters
do you have any propose?

Eye safe and long range usually don't go together, and an on spec ir filtered 5mW green will have the best chance at covering that distance while being "eye safe".

Whats the application?
do you have any proposal for good one?
(I am new in this business..)
thank you
Range of a kilometer or more? You need a LOT more power than 5mW for that, which immediately excludes "eye safe" category.

What exactly do you need to use it for?
for the application that I build
and if I need it to 800 m there is something good?
15mw of green should do, but that isn't really eye safe either. For red, at least 100mw, which is enough to light matches (with magnifying lens). Definitely Not eye safe. Sorry, I don't think anything will fit the bill :(
so what are the requirements of the laser that I need to look for being eye safe?
so what are the requirements of the laser that I need to look for being eye safe?

You have a conflicting requirement.

You want eye-safe, meaning a laser of low enough power not to damage anybody's eyes,

And long-range, meaning very high power, as to be visible across great distance.

Won't work.

It's like asking for an airsoft gun that's safe but can throw a projectile over 1 kilometer.

That's why we're asking you what EXACTLY you need it for, so perhaps we can suggest some better alternative for solving your problem, or a definite answer that will help you get there. "For application that I build" is not a specific enough answer to help you :D

We've had numerous people trying to find lasers for some impossible purpose, only to find out that the task they're trying to achieve is far better off solved with some alternative means, in other words - they did not need a laser for that.
Black lasers are always eye safe. Just turn the on button to the o-f-f position.
Eye-safe has several different definitions. From a legal standpoint, an eye-safe laser is 0.4 µW (class 1). Anything higher and you could get sued if some kid looks into the beam. How far a laser can "go" depends on who or what is detecting it, for example if the laser is shined directly into photomultiplier tubes or a low-noise CCD, or the human eye. Also, how dark it is can add or subtract about 5 or 10 zeros. If the sun is directly behind the laser (as is sometimes the case with traffic signal lights) it needs to be brighter.

Let me put it simply for you. YOU CANT USE A LASER FOR WHATEVER YOU ARE WANTING. Eye safe lasers will give you about 50-100 feet of use. You WONT be able to see the beam even a green one unless you are sealed in a cardboard box. The dot will be iffy at 100 feet and you are wasting your money.

If you want distance then you need power. If you need power then you need eye protection. If you need eye protection then its NOT eye safe. Get it?
