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i may just retire from lasers

Sep 27, 2007
i have come to a very tough conclusion that this is the end of the road for me as far as lasers go.
i have had some warning signs and then some wake up calls and if i dont take this final chance, then it may be too late.
i was setting up alignment with a few optics/gratings when i was struck directly into my right eye with a >70mw green laser. i had took off my goggles temporarily because i was unable to see what was going on and whilst positioning a diffraction grating mirror, the beam hit me straight in the eye.
my eye feels ok now, though i know for sure it has affected my vision somewhat. at first it stung a little, felt like someone poking something into my eye.
i noticed my vision has blurred a little. i cant watch TV comfortably, everything seems too bright and blurry.
another thing i've noticed is that every kind of light at night seems very bright to me. this includes car headlights, street lights, traffic lights and orange beacons on roadside recovery vehicles. for some reason all these types of light seem very bright and unbearable to look at.
the last bit of evidence as to why i feel im loosing my site is distant reading. before i got into lasers, i could easily read a cars registration number plate from 15-20 meters away. now i struggle to read number plates from as little as 5 meters away. everything just seems a bit blurry and at night, even dim lights seem bright to my eyes. i would honestly rather see things as i do than not see at all.
i mean my laser career only lasted about 3-4 years and i loved every single bit of it. sometimes you gotta stand up for yourself and decide whats right and wrong.
right now my heart is saying i should completely stop playing with lasers alltogether. (if not, atleast for a year or 2)
of course this wasn't an easy decision by any means but i just feel its the right thing to do.
the hardest part will be to find a new hobby that can replace the fun of lasers. any ideas..?
i am seriously going to try my best now not to touch a laser for a while unless i get a really bad craving, but that could take me back to square one.
i will still lurk around the forums but just not play with my lasers as much now.
hope this sends out a message to everyone. always wear goggles no matter what you're doing, your eyes are too precious to lose over a hobby.

[Uncle dave]

See your eye care professional. There are many things that could precipitate a rapid decrease in vision quality. Some of them can cause other systemic problems. Whether you stay in lasers or not, and I respect your decision, see your doctor!

[/Uncle dave]

well its sad to lose an enthusiast but i do respect your decision, as im sure it wasnt an easy one!

let this be a warning to everyone!

and if you dont have any BUY SOME! they are a hell of a lot cheaper than you value you vision
yeah shoulda got goggle for the job like od2 becuase they still allow you to see the dot but reduce damage if you was hit (i said reduce not prevent)
laserlover said:
a fun hobby is radio controlled helicopters!

lol, listen to laserlover...

If you want a hobby just as addictive and just as demanding on the wallet RC helis are the way to go ;D.

Sorry to hear that you got blasted though, hope everything works out for the best. I would go see an eye specialist before jumping to conclusions though, like daguin said it could be something systemic.

tomcat said:
yeah shoulda got goggle for the job like od2 becuase they still allow you to see the dot but reduce damage if you was hit (i said reduce not prevent)

Or just use a 5mW laser. :-/
You should see an eye doctor asap. There are lots of things other than lasers which can make your vision go bad. You might just be going near sighted or something.
Sad to hear about you being hit in the eye. I have very much the same symptoms as you have, in my right eye. I have trouble reading signs from about 10 metres away (depending on text size) If I look only with it. Although it does not disturb my overall vision much at all.
This was from a reflection with my x-85. I seriously considered the same as you, not to touch a laser in a long time. My eyesight are so precious that I don't want to risk it with a hobby. But I couldn't do that, as I still love lasers so much. But it did teach me a lesson, wear safety glasses when burning, looking closely at the dot/beam and when experimenting with optics!

So sad to loose an entusiast, but I definitley do respect your decision. Like I said, I've almost been in the same situation. :(
Congratulations for standing up for yourself.  Lasers can be very dangerous. Anything that affects your life in a negative way should be sacrificed IMO.  I say see an eye doctor, you might be eligible for laser surgery! :P  But yeah, RC helicopters is a great hobby (equal or more expensive then lasers, depending on how deep you get).  RC cars, hiking, sports, are all good hobbies.  But, if there’s no danger, what’s the fun in that?  ::) Don’t crash into yourself or someone else with your helicopter ok!  ;D

P.S. you little wienie JUST KIDDING!  :P

Edit: John Lawson is selling the perfect beginer helicopter http://www.laserpointerforums.com/forums/YaBB.pl?num=1221821417/0
I have 3 things to say about that..

#1 im very sorry to hear that it happened..

#2 will there be a clean out sale

#3 just because your leaving the hobby, does not mean that you have to leave the forum :)
He said he didn't intend to leave the forum. "I will still lurk around the forums but not play as much with my lasers now."
ok .. you missed the point of my post.. that statement was just thrown in so i could pretend to be nice .. as was the first statement.. the point of the post was to sandwich the "clean out sale" comment between 2 "nice things to say" so i didn't seam insensitive...
keeperx said:
ok .. you missed the point of my post.. that statement was just thrown in so i could pretend to be nice .. as was the first statement.. the point of the post was to sandwich the "clean out sale" comment between 2 "nice things to say" so i didn't seam insensitive...

