I have two police stories.
It was back around 1987 before there were laser pointers, the movie Terminator had recently came out (I will get to that)...
I had built this helium neon laser with this tiny tube and very small flyback transformer into a kids squirtgun, I dont know a lot about guns so I may incorrectly say it looked like an oozie machine gun yet more of a handgun style. The two NiCad RC batteries were taped on the outside with black cloth tape and it all looked pretty cool
Anyway, I think it was the Bob Dylan or SRV concert at Riverfest I took it along with me to, I had it in a knapsack thingy that I carried my school supplies to college with and had the barrel barely sticking out an opening while i triggered it thru the cloth. I was sitting on the bank alongside the main area amongst thousands of people and shining this thing over peoples heads and at signs and stuff, people were grabbing for the beam

After maybe half an hour all the sudden I hear "There it is!" and theres these two big dudes and they grabbed my bag and confronted me, I cant remember what the initial questions were yet they did say that with the release of the movie The Terminator and his little red beam of light I was scaring the hell of people at the show this evening. They asked me to get up and come with them.
I did ask them to show me some ID and they showed me some badges. So I went with them.
It was rather embarassing as we walked because one or both of them had a grasp on my arm(s)... I said "Hey!, everything is cool, I am not going to run away, after all its YOU that have MY laser that I BUILT and spent a LOT of time on... Im going nowhere, you can let go, you take off and I'm chasing YOU!!"
So the three of us peacefully walked to thier trailor setup there as a police station, they said I can come back after the show tonite and get it on my way out and to NEVER bring it back again!., When I returned for it an asshole cop came out with it, as he was aproaching me he was turning it on and off shining it on the ground, he musta pulled very hard on the trigger cause I heard the SNaP and broke it

(kids toys!) , this laser was eventually stolen from me while in a cave by some people that eventually later killed some guy down there in the caves. baseball bats , several people and thier maglites leave a person defenseless, I had one friend with me yet we were also very drunk.
2) a couple years later I had built this RGB graphics projector with an omnichrome 532 argon, HeNe & GS 120's etc and was shining cartoons and stuff out onto the building across the street. I somehow sensed light or something from down below, looked down onto the street and there is a police car.
The cop shouted up at me what the hell is that?, I said "my laser setup!", he said "Cool!" and drove off