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FrozenGate by Avery


Jun 3, 2007
I don't think this has been posted. Another immature idiot.


A 19-year-old Seminole County man was arrested on allegations of pointing a laser light at a sheriff's helicopter.

[RAW VIDEO: Man pointed laser at helicopter]

Trevor Ragno, of Longwood, was arrested Saturday on felony charges of pointing a laser light at a pilot and culpable negligence. According to the Seminole County Sheriff's Office, shortly before midnight, the sheriff's helicopter, Alert 2, was on patrol over Interstate 4 and E.E. Williamson Road at 800 feet, when the flight crew reported a green laser light flashed through the cockpit.

The helicopter used infrared to direct deputies to a home on Deer View Place, where Ragno was located outside, officials said. Ragno was arrested and taken to jail.

"Shining a light into an aircraft creates a glare on the windscreen and generates a temporary flash of blindness, similar to a camera flash," the Seminole County Sheriff's Office said. "It is highly dangerous for pilots and flight crew who can experience blurred vision or become disoriented. At the time of Saturday night’s laser strikes, Alert 2 was flying at approximately 800 feet."

The FBI and FAA were notified of the incident. The FAA is investigating and can impose civil penalties of up to $10,000. The FBI could file federal charges for pointing a laser into the cockpit of an aircraft.

Ragno posted a $1,100 bond Sunday morning and was released.

Officials said in Seminole County alone there have been five incidents of lasers being pointed at pilots, all leading to arrests.

"If the laser beam goes directly into the night vision and amplifies the eye it can create permanent damage and ruin the night vision goggles that are very expensive," said Pilot Steve Farris. http://www.clickorlando.com/news/fl...ointing-laser-at-sheriffs-helicopter/26398016
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Thanks for sharing, I also don't believe this has been posted. If it has then I have never seen it.

Once again, people just never learn do they. The part that really bothers me the most is the bond which was only set at "$1,100" -_- are you kidding me? What a joke. Let's hope these laser incidents become fewer(though I highly doubt it sadly).

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Yet another Floridiot: The Floridiot Files

Q: Did you hear about the power outage at the Florida State University library?
A: Thirty students were stuck on the escalator for three hours.

When asked why he shone the laser at the helicopter the kid said something like "I dunno"
If I were that kids parent that laser would be destroyed and he'd have to get a job and payback the bond amount and maybe other court costs and never own another laser until he got a place of his own.

P.S. I don't know why I put the link in the title box. Brain fart I guess.
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When asked why he shone the laser at the helicopter the kid said something like "I dunno"
If I were that kids parent that laser would be destroyed and he'd have to get a job and payback the bond amount and maybe other court costs and never own another laser until he got a place of his own.

P.S. I don't know why I put the link in the title box. Brain fart I guess.

^I think the police took the laser in custody along with the "boy", it only makes sense. But I agree, this is ridiculous and he should pay back the money for bail if his parents, friend, uncle etc...payed to get him out.

"If the laser beam goes directly into the night vision and amplifies the eye it can create permanent damage and ruin the night vision goggles that are very expensive," said Pilot Steve Farris."

Really? Not for a second do I condone anyone pointing a laser at an Aircraft but for the pilot to say this is just BS. A high power pointer from a few feet away yes but a mobile aircraft not a hope! This is just hype by the authorities to add a bit more fuel to the fire to get lasers banned altogether. Really this pilot should run for politics he would be great at it. Of course no one is going to believe any sort of rebuttal to this in the Media as we have been portrayed for so long now as some sort of rebels wanting to cause chaos and destruction simply because of a few (probably not even hobbyists) Dah I dunno idiots! Grrrrrrr
"If the laser beam goes directly into the night vision and amplifies the eye it can create permanent damage and ruin the night vision goggles that are very expensive," said Pilot Steve Farris."

Really? Not for a second do I condone anyone pointing a laser at an Aircraft but for the pilot to say this is just BS. A high power pointer from a few feet away yes but a mobile aircraft not a hope! This is just hype by the authorities to add a bit more fuel to the fire to get lasers banned altogether. Really this pilot should run for politics he would be great at it. Of course no one is going to believe any sort of rebuttal to this in the Media as we have been portrayed for so long now as some sort of rebels wanting to cause chaos and destruction simply because of a few (probably not even hobbyists) Dah I dunno idiots! Grrrrrrr
Really? Not for a second do I condone anyone pointing a laser at an Aircraft but for the pilot to say this is just BS. A high power pointer from a few feet away yes but a mobile aircraft not a hope! This is just hype by the authorities to add a bit more fuel to the fire to get lasers banned altogether. Really this pilot should run for politics he would be great at it. Of course no one is going to believe any sort of rebuttal to this in the Media as we have been portrayed for so long now as some sort of rebels wanting to cause chaos and destruction simply because of a few (probably not even hobbyists) Dah I dunno idiots! Grrrrrrr (busmans) quote!

As a former soldier I have spent time in NVG's and having a coalesced beam hit you when your wearing those is very dangerous. it could potentially make the pilot blind for a short time or permanent. even white light from a car is very painful wearing NVG's. I do not condone what this kid did and he should get some harsh sentencing. But I do think that the government and local law enforcement are blowing this thing up more than it needs to be... Its these stupid idiots that are making this hard for the responsible hobbyist like us
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It depends on the goggles. Some of them (the newer better ones) will black out if they detect higher light
levels. The pilot would be momentarily blind for that reason. The laser light would never reach his eyes.
Older and cheaper models will have the problems vortish described above. It also causes damage to
some types of IIT as they are not meant to operate under even normal light levels.
Surely military aviation goggles would be made to be able to tackle this situation with ease same as a military trained pilot. Sure it might be a momentary annoyance at worst. I would think that flying through electrical storms. Blowing stuff up at night and many of the other stuff that would happen in combat situation would all be in a days work for these guys, might be a bit different for commercial flight but surely you are not saying that some kid with a laser pointer can bring down a 100 million dollar plus fighter aircraft because if that's the case better not take any of them to a war zone. Didn't seem to affect that one hovering over the that huge crowd with dozens of laser pointed at it in Egypt. Maybe those pilots were wearing some " Eagle Pair" glasses! :)
you have a point Busman2 but this whole debacle is because some idiot parent bought their kid some thing that they had no business buying for or a kid bought it was a moron. Or lastly some idiot thought hey this is cool lets shine it at a plane/helicopter. But really what are you going to do... The usa is the most heavily armed country in the world... as of 2013 there was 300 million registered guns in the usa that does not take in to account the unregistered and illegal guns in the usa.. Now take that figure and think lasers I bet the number is half that or less.. Now take that number how many of those guys have laser are Idiots! bet the number might surprise us! any way to get to the point people are going to do what they are going to do and the rest of us are going to pay the price for their stupidity
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I know for a fact that people shoot at planes all the time, but yet we never hear of that on the
news. There are planes flying around with bullet holes in them yet nobody so much as bats
an eye.

I know for a fact that people shoot at planes all the time, but yet we never hear of that on the
news. There are planes flying around with bullet holes in them yet nobody so much as bats
an eye.


No doubt we will soon see some drones getting shot down, but hopefully not the commercial ones such as Amazon delivering your package.

