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FrozenGate by Avery

how would i go abotu a pink laser beam ?

Mar 2, 2008
I've always wanted to make a pink laser beam.
what colors would need to be combined, what power laser(s) and also what equipment needed ??
Thanks Alot


You'll need red, green, and blue, and a way to combine them, of course.  Take a look at this chart, the triangle is the mixture of colors available from red, green, and blue lasers (approximately, this chart is actually for monitors, but it's close to laser wavelengths too).  Any point inside the triangle is a combination of all 3 colors, anywhere on the edge of the triangle is a combination of 2 colors.  So you'll need red+blue, and then some green as well to shift it from purple to pink.


Also, some people have done some experiments mixing violet and red, and some things kinda close to pink came out. You could try searching for that on here or maybe someone could give a link. If you don't mind it being more of a purplish-pink, it may be doable with that combination. Try in the Experiments/mods section where people were running the PS3 diodes with the red and violet both on at the same time.
red and violet or red and blue yield pink with at least double the red.
Experiment with a red, a bluray, and a dichro. You will be able to get a magenta color.
I did this some time ago with a ps3 diode and a crappy red:







Here's how I did it:

The dichro is from a dvd-sled, the rectangular "turning mirror".

I don't know the powers, maybe 15/5mW.
If you consider pink a shade of magenta, then I've done it, and two people did it after seeing my experiment (don't know if it worked out). The PS3 diode has both red and violet in one can and you can run them at the same time

See the link in my sig
ok i have a 5mw 635nm Module,and I had a blu ray,but the pins broke.
so i need a blu ray now, and also what power would be sufficient on the blu ray to make the color as close as possible.
I can fix the pins for u

A ratio between 1:3.5 and 1:10 should do (the more powerful one being violet)
Zom-B said:
I can fix the pins for u

A ratio between 1:3.5 and 1:10 should do (the more powerful one being violet)
it will be impossible. both the + and the - pins fell off. it would probably be cheaper just to get a new diode.
Wesdaman14 said:
ok i have a 5mw 635nm Module,and I had a blu ray,but the pins broke.
so i need a blu ray now, and also what power would be sufficient on the blu ray to make the color as close as possible.

You'd need about 12.5 mW of 405. The hardest part will be with getting the two modules to output the same size, but I guess if they're both Aixiz it won't be an issue.
