And for do a quick check with a camera, you can use an IR-pass filter.
You can find them in pro shops, fro insanely high prices (optic quality), but considering that you only need to check for IR presence, you can get one very cheap (usually for free) if you know a photo lab in your zone.
Just ask them for the "
black queue" of a developed "diapositive" film ..... is the part that remain in the roll and unexposed when they send it to develope, and that is
totally black when the film come back (usually any serious lab, sending back the dias in the frames, always include also the unexposed and developed "queue" for testify that they have developed all the roll)
This black film is an
almost totally block filter for visible light, but is
95/98% transparent to the IR ..... point the laser on a piece of white paper, put it in front of the laser, and look the paper with the camera ..... the more "pinky" light you can see coming from the film, the more IR are leaking out from the pointer (only be careful with high power lasers, that filter is still plastic, and can be burned from high power beams