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FrozenGate by Avery

homemade laser

will these get through australian customs because i have a green 200 and 100 mW laser pen i git that through custims i dont know how they didnt seen to find it but will this driver go though?? the law is very strict here

Yup it should go through fine. If you need an adjustable dummy load made up for you I can make you one for $5.

PM me for more info.
Yup it should go through fine. If you need an adjustable dummy load made up for you I can make you one for $5.

PM me for more info.

when i get prepaid credit card ill buy one and could u put it on ebay because its more easier for me and is it free postage?
ohk when i get prepaid credit card ill buy one asap and ley u guys know also i need to buy a diode will any laser diode from ebay do?
here's a red one-http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/New-150mW-650nm-Burning-Power-Red-Laser-Diode-/270837616345?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3f0f2e0ed9 you might want to grab a few, they're only $4 after you buy the first one. can you please upload a pic of your module that your going to put the diode in.
thanks for the link, i will upload a pic for u once it arrives and check my profile pic it shows the 200 and 100(broken) mW lasers
its not a visible wavelength, so no
common diodes:
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hey bobhaha i found your youtube channel mine is ak74u2 and it says u live in australia and u have a 1W laser and my jaws just fell down to the floor do u actually live in australia because 1mw+ lasers are banned here
Alot of people in Australia have 1W blues. Only the complete lasers are controlled. so drivers, diodes, modules, half a laser (disassembled) can get through ;)
omg omg omg im gonna piss my pants i really want a 1watt can u send me a site soory i keep on asking for links :( but i really want a powerfull laser also do the lasers from dino direct go through my friend has a 500mW he said he got it from dino direct
that cd-rom diode is most likely 780nm (invisible) . The green laser diode is a 'open can' 808nm, the 808 then goes through that little circle thing with the slit, and turns green (532nm). I'm not sure you can put a visible wavelength diode into that module without modifying it.

EDIT: MAKE a 1w, its much more fun ;)
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that cd-rom diode is most likely 780nm (invisible) . The green laser diode is a 'open can' 808nm, the 808 then goes through that little circle thing with the slit, and turns green (532nm). I'm not sure you can put a visible wavelength diode into that module without modifying it.

EDIT: MAKE a 1w, its much more fun ;)

that little circle thing with the slit i broke it is that bad do i need it to make a laser?? :*(
i want to make a 1 watt but its too much $$$$ for the diode can i use that red driver from ebay u sent me ???
