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FrozenGate by Avery

High quality Green Laserpointer up to ~300mW

Apr 2, 2014
Hello everybody

I want to buy a high quality green laserpointer with 150-300mW of power.

I have 4 laserpointers from different companies in my selection:

Laserglow Aries-150 ~190mW
WickedLasers EVO ~100mW
Optotronics Opto300-Portable ~300mW
Rayfoss RF532-150mW-B03 ~150mW

Which one should I choose?

Thanks to everyone who can give me an advise!

All the best
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Hey! Welcome to the forums :yh:

Stay away from WickedLasers... tons of unhappy customers recently. There used to be a list of 33 reasons not to buy from them, but I can't find it at the moment.

I wouldn't risk LaserGlow if you're in the US as they are on the import watch list.

I would actually recommend you go with Sci-Fi Lasers. It is owned and operated by a member of the forums, Thejoker301. His site is SFlasers.us .

They just recently got in some new 532nm lasers, and they also have 520nm (forest green) if you prefer that. If you're on a budget, the 532 "normal" green is much cheaper.
Forest Green - SF501B 520nm Forest Green
"Normal" Green - SF501B 532nm Green

I have the SF501B 445nm 1W+ laser from there and I love it. Outstanding build quality! Like I said, highly recommended.

Also, if you're buying a laser, make sure you get some eye protection! Some good goggles can be found on SurvivalLaser.com or SurvivalLaserUSA.com. Check under the "Safety" section and pick out a pair of the Eagle Pair goggles that fit the wavelength you choose.

Good luck on your search for a laser!
- Adam :yh:
Hi Adam!

Thank you very much for your good advice!
The lasers from sci-fi which you have recommended to me seem to be quite nice and good quality, especially the SF501B 520nm Forest Green! The only things I don't like is the on/off button at the back of the pointer because if you push it once, it will be permanently on until you push it one more time to turn it off. I miss a little bit of safety measures.

I really like the pointer from Laserglow, because of the additional safety measures (e.g. key to unlock). Do you know something more about the Laserglow company? Is it serious? Made in USA? Is shipping without complications at the customs in Switzerland possible?

Thank you for your feedback!

All the best
When I first got into lasers I also hated the tail clicky... But I realized most lasers come with that so I got used to it :p

I haven't personally purchased from Laserglow but I've heard lots of good things about them. And I have no idea about Swiss customs... Maybe someone from there can chime in :yh:

Sounds like Livinloud may have a laser for ya... He's a trustworthy member and I'm sure anything you buy from him will be great! :D


Hi Adam!

Thank you very much for your good advice!
The lasers from sci-fi which you have recommended to me seem to be quite nice and good quality, especially the SF501B 520nm Forest Green! The only things I don't like is the on/off button at the back of the pointer because if you push it once, it will be permanently on until you push it one more time to turn it off. I miss a little bit of safety measures.

I really like the pointer from Laserglow, because of the additional safety measures (e.g. key to unlock). Do you know something more about the Laserglow company? Is it serious? Made in USA? Is shipping without complications at the customs in Switzerland possible?

Thank you for your feedback!

All the best
