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help with wiring

divindavid said:
also i have two small questions

what do i use to power this i think it sayed it needed 6V and i know i could use a 6V hobby battery but what about anything smaller

what is i going to put this is i am thinking of a hobby box but i am not to sure or an altoids can

The best solution I've seen so far for powering a LM317 constant current source driving a DIY red is 6 NiMH cells. It doesn't much matter what size cells, so long as they can source 250-300mA. Six 1/3 AA cells will usually fit into a two AA holder. An easy (But more expensive) way to find these locally is to look for cordless phone batteries like this one. But I'm sure there are other battery packs containing 1/3 AA cells.

divindavid said:
how would people be able to put this in a mini mag flash light???

Simple answer is that they wouldn't.

More detailed answer: We don't know of anyone that has managed this yet. The biggest obstacle would be in getting a reliable regulator of the right size and shape to fit. Suffice it to say, if you want to try and construct a regulator small enough to fit inside the head of a minimag, go for it. It would be an excellent project, especially with so many wanting to use minimags for their lasers!
GreyFox said:
Simple answer is that they wouldn't.

More detailed answer: We don't know of anyone that has managed this yet. The biggest obstacle would be in getting a reliable regulator of the right size and shape to fit. Suffice it to say, if you want to try and construct a regulator small enough to fit inside the head of a minimag, go for it. It would be an excellent project, especially with so many wanting to use minimags for their lasers!

I did, but I'm sorry to say that I was not at home, and it was a gift for a friend. I used a 10uF Tant. Capacitor, a 1N4001, a 22 Ohms resistor, and a AMC7135 inside the AixiZ module (a bit of a tight fit) . and three 2/3AA NiMH cells from some cordless phone battery to power it.

I'm sure I'll make another like it, and I'll be sure to post a detailed guide when I do.
