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This sounds so familiar. I've had similar issues with taterslasers on ebay since November 2015 --yet he has 100% positive feedback on ebay. I haven't opened a paypal dispute resolution yet, because I do believe he is having health issues --no response from last set of emails in which I requested that we work something out before 3/31/16

7+ Watt 450nm Blue Laser Kit $429.99

( 272050556936 )

PayPal ruled in my favor on three disputes. So that's ~$700 recovered but they still have a fully built laser with a custom Eghemus host and a Kryton host that I paid for. They are worth another $400-$500 I think. But I have not been able to get her to send them back. His wife texts me but very intermittently. Technically, since she's using his phone and email address, I'm not 100% certain it's her but I'm leaning towards his sickness/story is legitimate and it's really her. But we're 5 months into it.

I worry that with mounting medical bills that they're tempted to hunker down and keep the money/sell them for their own well being.

Honestly, if the story holds up, I would have been inclined to help them out financially but I'm reluctant to throw good money after bad.

People like you have bought their "Buy It Now" items and PayPal freezes their account if any dispute is opened so now that mine is closed, you may want to file one before they can withdraw any remaining funds.

Good luck.
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Pretty frustrating predicament to be in. I am confused a bit though. I know you said you got your $ back but what was she emailing back to you about exactly? Telling you I have your stuff but can't do anything about it as I have to talk to him first or something like that? Did she take a couple pics to say I have them but can't send them without talking to him first? Why would he still have stuff for sale if he can't deal with it? Just sounds kind of strange to me unless she just has no idea about what he does on the side with laser stuff.
That's still a lot of money. I don't know him and can't say anything about his business. I believe it is very patient of you to wait and give the benefit of the doubt. I hope you are able to recoup your loses. I fell badly for both you and him, if he is indeed in poor health.
Pretty frustrating predicament to be in. I am confused a bit though. I know you said you got your $ back but what was she emailing back to you about exactly? Telling you I have your stuff but can't do anything about it as I have to talk to him first or something like that? Did she take a couple pics to say I have them but can't send them without talking to him first? Why would he still have stuff for sale if he can't deal with it? Just sounds kind of strange to me unless she just has no idea about what he does on the side with laser stuff.

You're pretty spot on. She got involved because he fell ill. She doesn't know a lot about these and had to find them. I sent her pictures to help. She contacted me using his email and phone so I wasn't really sure if it was still part of an elaborate scam. I asked for info to contact her directly for my own peace of mind but she declined citing an instance where someone yelled at her. So I opened the dispute then escalated to PayPal. My thinking was it couldn't hurt, we could still complete the transaction but at least I have PayPal involved. I said if PayPal rules in my favor I would still buy them (again). Unfortunately, because I escalated after she contacted me she concluded I was up to something. So, back and forth we went until we managed to get back to civil and eventually back to friendly texts and continue to today.

She ended up finding two of the three lasers and sent me a picture. Yay, proof of life. But she was still reluctant to mail them now that I had the dispute opened. A couple weeks later she said she might have found the third so I asked for a picture to verify and am waiting on her reply. That was a few days ago. I don't blame her much for the spotty texts (assuming story is legit), my dad's been in the hospital for 1.5 months now with a subdural hematoma and it is stressful having to deal with a family member's illness/injury in addition to everyday life. Not to mention facing medical bills. They sound like a relatively young couple (compared to me) and I think they have a young daughter.

That's still a lot of money. I don't know him and can't say anything about his business. I believe it is very patient of you to wait and give the benefit of the doubt. I hope you are able to recoup your loses. I fell badly for both you and him, if he is indeed in poor health.

Thanks. I hope he gets better and I get my stuff back and am ok in that order.
Well its a tough spot to be in and she may be way overwhelmed with everything. It does sound like she is telling the truth on things but is there some reason why she can't talk to him about it? Is he so bad off that he can't talk or is she refusing to talk to him about it? That's the part I can't quite figure out. Why doesn't she just ask him what to do. Also seems like he could just take care of this himself over the phone or with a smart phone or computer unless he physically or mentally can't.
If she is so overwhelmed by what's going on why bother to even look for them and still talk to you unless she just wants to do right but won't without him telling her what to do but he can't for a real serious reason. Feel like I'm going in circles at this point. Think I'm dizzy.
She says she is talking with him but he gets stressed about it which triggers the problem which hospitalized him in the first place thus tries to minimize bringing it up. As others here have posted, he must have a few of these problems brewing.

She did finally ping me today about trying again to find my third laser and take a picture to send me.
