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Help on laser resonance topics

Sep 5, 2015
Im working on a short presentation for class and I chose resonance, specifically how resonance applies to lasers.
After wikiing laser resonance and reading up on the basics, I still have no idea what is going on.

What determines the wavelength?

Where does resonance apply in lasers?

It is a calc level class, help on topics would be great.

Im working on a short presentation for class and I chose resonance, specifically how resonance applies to lasers.
After wikiing laser resonance and reading up on the basics, I still have no idea what is going on.

What determines the wavelength?

Where does resonance apply in lasers?

It is a calc level class, help on topics would be great.

I can help you with the first question!

When it comes to diode lasers, there are many things you should consider that will determine what it will output. Temperature, the current it is being driven at, and quality of the laser. With temperature, the colder it gets, the lower a diode laser's wavelength will be(same thing goes for current, the lower the current the lower the wavelength) and of course having a quality laser will mean the diode isn't jumping all over the place in terms of power making it be more "centered" at it's intended wavelength.

Im sure this covers the very basics of it, but this is all I know for now(still have lots to learn). Hope it helps :)

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You have resonance in lasers where the "mirror separation distance is equal to an exact multiple of half the wavelength". Or in my words, the cavity length determines that only certain discrete number of wavelengths will "fit" in the cavity without deconstructively interfering etc. The gain media is what determines exactly what wavelengths that fit the previous rule will amplify. Sometimes multiple wavelengths fit both of these and the laser will have multiple longitudinal modes. (I think that's the right term?)

Just look up "longitudinal modes" yourself for more info. (if you haven't already)
Sam's site has a lot of good info that is easier to understand for me. http://www.repairfaq.org/sam/laserhen.htm#hentoo1

Some of the details of various aspects might vary depending on what type of laser. Ie. HeNe, argon, DPSS, or diode like the guy above me said ;).

And note that I'm not an expert. :D
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Probably most members here know about this site but just in case you don't here is the link: Sam's Laser FAQ Comprehensive Table of Contents You can find the answer to most laser related questions there, if you have enough time.:crackup: I swear you could do a year of full time reading there and probably not read it all. Anyway I don't have the answers you're looking for but those answers will be different depending on the type of laser as stated above, Solid State, DPSS, Gas, etc.

Probably most members here know about this site but just in case you don't here is the link: Sam's Laser FAQ Comprehensive Table of Contents You can find the answer to most laser related questions there, if you have enough time.:crackup: I swear you could do a year of full time reading there and probably not read it all. Anyway I don't have the answers you're looking for but those answers will be different depending on the type of laser as stated above, Solid State, DPSS, Gas, etc.


That's a good resource. I have another that has come in handy many times: https://www.rp-photonics.com/encyclopedia.html
