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FrozenGate by Avery

Help on building a laser designator! (focusable)

Jan 4, 2014
So everyone, I'm really wanting to build what is called a laser designator. Here's a youtube video of what I'm talking about...
I've done a lot of searching through the forums and I can't find any instructions on how to BUILD a focusable green laser. Most of the 532nm modules on ebay have a threaded lens that looks like it would be focusable, like this

BUT I wouldn't know how to actually implement this into a design. I was wanting to use an Ultrafire WF-501b or 502b as the host if possible. Also, I don't want to spend the money for the Osram PL520 diode.

So basically any help on focusing a green laser would be appreciated :)

You would need to build a custom lens holder for that.

The lens in the picture are threaded, but once they're screwed into it's position in the module they are usually glued there.

What you need to do, is get rid of the top part of the module (it holds nothing but the lens anyway), and build a custom part that will hold the lens and can move on threads.

Ah I thought it might come down to custom parts! In your picture there, that custom part screws into the module, and the fat part at the end is there so you can easily adjust the focus, right?
And when you say to get rid of "the top part" of the module, did you mean everything that you can see that is threaded, or everything after that first joint on the smooth part?
One more thing :) Do you know anywhere I might get that part, or maybe a whole kit to build a focusable 532nm?
Thanks for the help!
A beam expander will work on this module
if I'm not mistaken.... I've done it before .
Are you talking about one of these?

Or a really pricy one like this?

Thanks for the input!
Ah I thought it might come down to custom parts! In your picture there, that custom part screws into the module, and the fat part at the end is there so you can easily adjust the focus, right?
And when you say to get rid of "the top part" of the module, did you mean everything that you can see that is threaded, or everything after that first joint on the smooth part?
One more thing :) Do you know anywhere I might get that part, or maybe a whole kit to build a focusable 532nm?
Thanks for the help!

I meant only the first part that holds the lens, which you need to move to a focusing part. The module is actually made up of 3 parts, though only one out of two seams is visible in your picture. First part holds the diode and a crystal, second part holds the expanding lens, and final part, which you need to get rid of, hold the final collimating lens.

I dunno where you'd get any kits for that, you need to have a machinist make a custom heatsink and adapter to precisely fit the host you are using.

You can message me with details on what you using and plan on doing, but I do not promise anything, I hate working with threads.
