Stickies are very helpful for first builds - You're not going to get the best out of the forums by asking to be spoon-fed unfortunately. Same applies at university which you'll soon be off to as you mentioned in your introduction - You're expected to read around the topic and learn more than you're taught directly. Go and read the stickies & search for threads on things you want to learn about.
Despite that I just said we won't spoon-feed you, here's a few things I'll share anyway.
In terms of a first build, don't try to take on too much. Look into either getting a custom heatsink for a known host from one of the forum members (or using one of the hosts from SurvivalLasers for example).
Forum favourite supplier of all things diodes/drivers/modules etc is Jordan at
DTR's Laser Shop. His prices are really good and shipping won't be too expensive for you as he is based near St. Louis MO.
Key things to remember when dealing with laser diodes/modules is that they are fairly fragile. Laser Diodes do not respond well to static discharge, and must be driven by a current-regulated power supply. The diode drivers that are mentioned on this forum are generally all designed to provide a constant current. Laser diodes have a negative temperature coefficient - which means that the hotter they run, the more current they will draw - thus running an LD on a voltage-regulated power supply will likely kill it.