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Help - My First Build - Laser Cigarette Lighter

I say this because its the excuse you (and others) always use. It's not safe so don't do it, it can't be done, use anything but a laser etc.
I just see your inability to solve a problem and instead push the guy down.

I say this because its the excuse you (and others) always use. It's not safe so don't do it, it can't be done, use anything but a laser etc.
I just see your inability to solve a problem and instead push the guy down.
That doesn't make sense. I didn't say it's not possible. Even if I did that's odd that you challenge me to make it. What would that accomplish? It shouldn't be done and it's why the others offered safer better solutions to a guy who admitted to being "generally irresponsible". If that doesn't raise a red flag for you then that's very troubling
I didn't point my criticism to anyone specific until you decided to speak back to me directly. But I've seen you turn down ideas before.
Like, if anyone uses a laser for anything else other than as a laser pointer, it somehow becomes a Retina-Destroyer-9000. As if laser pointers don't do that...
I honestly don't know what else to say to this. You don't want to take laser safety serious then don't but don't get all bent out of shape to those who do. All I'm saying
Then instead of saying it can't or shouldn't be done, just remind of the hazard. If you can't figure out a solution, don't assume that OP or someone else can't.
As usual you guys parrot laser safety/it cannot be done.

NO, you can't do it, perhaps. Let people have fun.
I could very well do it. I could even take considerations into account to make it safe for other's around me. At the point it would be safe, there would be no way to know it was laser powered due to having to properly contain enough power to literally ignite material in it's beam path. This isn't saying "don't have fun". This is saying, "This project is more likely to endanger others than the user and is simply not a good idea."
What is your problem? You obviously have no clue how much damage a few idiotic users have caused this hobby in the past 13 or so years alone. We have gone from being able to import class IV's, to unable to import a true to spec, regulated 532nm pen from our neighbors to the north from a company that complied perfectly with the required safeties even before they were really being heavily enforced.

Just a note, I will not respond to you or this thread anymore. Anyone that cares to read and comprehend can get an idea of how bad of an idea this is. To quote a movie with a dinosaur theme park that went bad. "Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should."

We can't stop someone from building something. But we can sure as hell choose not to be part of it.
Then instead of saying it can't or shouldn't be done, just remind of the hazard. If you can't figure out a solution, don't assume that OP or someone else can't.

But the hazard was mentioned multiple times by some members shown below. And it was never a question whether it was possible or not. If you feel like it take a look on youtube. There are videos made by people within a decade ago that converted a simple lighter into a bluray laser. One of them was KipKay. So it's not a new concept and not a new project, it's just an unsafe idea. But this wasn't the point man. I think you're just being defensive just because. That I can understand.

The immediate beam is but one hazard. Another would be scattered light from anything inserted into it. A third issue would be smoke ruining lenses in any remotely safe design (which would also completely have to hide the laser by design).
Besides creating a potentially hazardous device that could cause blindness, if you did enclose all but a pathway to insert the cigarette you would contaminate your lens much too easily
A high power blue laser3 inches from your eyes to light a cigarette is an accident looking for a place to happen, It is not without good reasons that there are no laser cigarette lighters made or offered anywhere in the world.

In USA lasers with outputs of 5mW or less are considered safe for unintentional eye exposure, because a person will normally turn away or blink to avoid the bright light blink however they can cause eye damage however there is a possibility of retinal damage if the direct or reflected beam enters your eye longer than about ¼ second. see: https://www.lasersafetyfacts.com/3R/ info on other classes of laser and eye hazards related to same are on that site as well.
I saw someone put a laser into a BIC lighter, that was a very bad idea because it's a common item that people hold near thier face expecting it to do behave in it's normal way by producing a flame, if this ((((( Retina destroyer 9000 ))))) were to be picked up by anyone other than the builder, it could easily cause a lifelong disability, it's an extremely ignorant device from a safety standpoint at best and an evil booby-trap at worst, if you can't comprehend how something like this could present a hazard then you simply don't want to think about it.
I saw someone put a laser into a BIC lighter, that was a very bad idea because it's a common item
Again, that's not what OP is making.

were to be picked up by anyone other than the builder

The same can be said about any laser pointer you have. Half the builds here look like a flashlight or vape.

Seriously, if everyone else had your narrow view, we would not have Blu-ray players, laser projectors, holograms, tattoo removal, not even a 5mw toy pointer, just to name a fraction of fraction of laser applications which you would think are unsafe or not possible.
Again, that's not what OP is making.

The same can be said about any laser pointer you have. Half the builds here look like a flashlight or vape.

Seriously, if everyone else had your narrow view, we would not have Blu-ray players, laser projectors, holograms, tattoo removal, not even a 5mw toy pointer, just to name a fraction of fraction of laser applications which you would think are unsafe or not possible.

My narrow view ?
You know very little about me, I have always been a can do person and I embrace painting outside of the lines, I don't conform to the norms at all and I know innovations come from anywhere and everywhere but putting something dangerous to eyesight ( a laser ) in a common item that you basically point at your face to use, has an extra degree of hazzard that can't be dismissed.
For the 3rd time now, he is not putting a laser in a lighter. He is make a purpose built device. Understand what you're upset about at least.
You assume I'm upset but you are wrong, I am concerned and wish to help someone from making a costly mistake, also my other point stands that his lens will be easily contaminated, op wanted pocket size lighter with a light absorbent end cap to stop the beam after a couple of centimeters so this is going to be of a small size that is held near the face.......have you ever lit a cigarette with a laser ? I have and there's a bright diffuse reflection ( glow ) near your face that could interfere with driving at night.
Maybe I should add that the flashlight I used has a programmable driver that will only lase with a certain sequence of button pushes. Just pushing the button on will on give you a dim led effect .you have to know the sequence to get it full power .The few people I have let handle it usually can’t even get it right after I show them how .I do not leave it out for people to just pick up but if someone did they would probably think it was just a dim flashlight .I have not yet had anyone that could accidentally power it up fully.
That's a great safeguard, good job. (y)

I have to admit I am leery about advocating for a project that could be seen as reckless as LPF has been sued in the past over what someone said regarding laser/vision concerns IINM so I error on the side of caution when the concept has sketchy optics and we can recomend a safety interlock but people don't always take all recommendations, I suppose it's just the mental image of a laser lighter and an unsuspecting victim, I like your interlock.
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