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Help me because my parents are mad at me


New member
Feb 16, 2020
hello everyone on the forum,

i just bought all the parts to make a NUBM44-v2 (with the money that i earned myself) which is obviously very expansive, when i told my parents they got mad at me because its so expensive, so does anyone have good arguments which i can tell my parents in order to proceed with this hobby, because i really like building lasers and everything that has something to do with it.

i hope that you all have some good arguments. (y)

So where are you from and have you reached the age of majority there ?
Im from the Netherlands and no I have not reached it
Well you at least deserve credit for being honest about it, do you understand how important it is to protect your eyesight when working with lasers ?
Do you have proper laser safety glasses for working with the laser you plan to build ?
Do your parents understand the dangers of lasers over 5mw ?

I would explain to your parents how well you understand the need to be safe and get their permission before building anything.
Im from the Netherlands and no I have not reached it

The Terms of Use which everyone must agree to and affirm to register and be a member of LPF specifically say in #3:
"3. Eligibility
You must be the age of majority as that is defined in your jurisdiction to visit or use the Website in any manner. You represent and warrant to Laser Pointer Forums that You have reached the age of majority in your jurisdiction, and that You have the right, authority and capacity to agree to and abide by this Agreement. You also represent and warrant to Laser Pointer Forums that You will use the Website in a manner consistent with any and all applicable laws and regulations" See:

LPF is not a babysitting forum for minors.
It is a Laser and related technology forum for age of majority and older.
LPF is also not a social media chit chat garbage Facebook like site with fake friends nor a site for meaningless nonsense and chats.
This thread that you ave posted in the General forum of LPF --is just meaning troll like spam and nothing do with anything LPF is about nor it's purpose.

I no way would anyone on LPF get involved in any difficulties between parent a child who sold not even be here in the first instance.
Whatever the problem with your parents is your doing and your problem and nobody else's---
Nobody of LPF knows you from Adam and no pretend BS comments would have anything to do with your and your patents real world actual situation or considerations in any case, even if whatever you say is actually true so.....

You created your problem, deal with it.
Im from the Netherlands and no I have not reached it
Can you provide your exact age please? This is something I'm going to have to consult the other mods with. Again please provide your age
There is no practical use for this kind of laser. Building lasers is a hobby and we like them because they are cool and interesting.
There is no difference between spending your money on your laser or a new fancy smart phone or tablet (the phone may be more expensive than the laser, actually).
It's for fun and there's no justification required for fun.
If your parents don't understand, I don't think it will be possible to make them understand. They will just have to get used to it.
Please just be safe. Lasers are dangerous.
Abel, work with laser technology isn't as secure/easy as play with arduinos, the laser that you have is really dangerous (that's the one of the ones that I use for my experiments), if you want to experiment with laser diodes, FIRST, you should talk with your parents, and find a teacher to supervise your experiments, as I said, lasers can let you blind. That being said, I want you give you 3 strong arguments to convince your parents:
1- Laser diodes are better for yourself than do drugs, that ALWAYS function, you didn't spend an average of $200.00 on cocaine, you spended on science!
2- Go deeper on laser technology can produce a lot of money, not only for nightclubs, but also for the manufacturing industry, and big companies see the young talent as you, not many young people are insterested on lasers, you can even become an entrepreneur.
3- You bought the laser to make them proud of you, reverse psicology and nasty play are allowed when the family doesn 't approved, tell them that you want to be the new Steve Wozniak, Nikola Ivanov, Elon Musk (well, that one not too much).

Men, lasers aren't toys, but with time, security (3E glasses) and intelligent study, lasers will become you toys.
P.D.: There's some fustrated professionals on this forum, don't pay attention to them.
Hello everyone, I have laser goggles from survival lasers, I know how to use lasers and how to be safe while using them I always put on my glasses when I use lasers above 5 mW because I do not want I damage and I am very responsible with them. I don't shine my lasers at vehicles and people and never use them when my friends are around just because I only have one pair of goggles.
Hello everyone, I have laser goggles from survival lasers, I know how to use lasers and how to be safe while using them I always put on my glasses when I use lasers above 5 mW because I do not want I damage and I am very responsible with them. I don't shine my lasers at vehicles and people and never use them when my friends are around just because I only have one pair of goggles.
Mom, Dad, Just like when you were little you had hobbies I do too now, Buiding and working with lasers has taught me a lot about physics,
and electronics both being extremely important fields in today's society, Continuing with this hobby will give me foundations in the aforementioned fields and will benefit me more than any equally priced game. I hope you understand.

Also, note towards you: even though you sound responsible, A 44 build is not a good idea,

Even I, being in the hobby for 3 can't think of any good reason to do such a high power build and as such haven't done one: The beam specs of the 44 diode are the worst in the multimode game and its very cooling and power-hungry, Even for burning at short ranges which itself gets boring it isn't that good compared to a lower power diode with a much smaller emitter but still high power. If you want its beam to be remotely acceptable you'll have to invest in a good anamorphic prism pair, cylindrical lens and a beam expander.
Wow this is a good argument that I can really use

thank you!
Well you do practically wield lightning in your hand now, so there's that
You must show that you are responsible for this and that this is not just another toy, but a really important thing for you. Tell them more about what you do and show that you understand the issue.
You have to have a good job to do drugs and play with lasers, lasers and drugs are both expensive. By picking lasers you save yourself from a life long drug habit. I say buy some pimp laser goggles, and stick with laser. Drugs are bad, M'kay.
