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FrozenGate by Avery

Help making a host

Can't see the model but you can contact any of LPF's custom host/heatsink vendor listed here. They should be able to make you the host
Sorry left it on private its public now. Takes a bit for it to load all the shapes.
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Looks sick! Would be difficult to machine with those grooves running down it but I'm sure it could be done.
Outter design doesn't mean all that much, I mean you can have almost any shape machined, it's the insides that are the problem to work out.

I see you're having a side-switch as well, that's going to be a pain to work out right.

If you can model out each individual piece that makes up the host with properly denoted dimensions and standards for threads, then you'd be getting somewhere.

Also with so many grooves on the outside and all, it'll be a PAIN to get all that machined, so expect astronomical costs.

BTW you have a modelling error at the front-end of the saber, the final "rim" around the emitter isn't properly connected to the body and doesn't appear to be properly centered.

Loving the website and 3D preview, though!
Alright I might try and come up with a different one with less groves and button on the butt of the host. Thanks for the help.
