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FrozenGate by Avery

Help about green laser

Mar 4, 2013

Im looking for a new handled green laser, i already own a blue one (1w) but i heard that green beam is much more glowy.

So i looked on the topic "LASER Bible" and i found laserpointerpro.com website. Im very confuse about the price of green handled laser :

1000mW 532nm High-power Green Laser Pointer : $287,99

In my opinion it's very cheap, so i think this website is not reliable. warnlaser.com sell 1w green laser for $1399 !!

I dont want to burn things, just "need" a better beam than my blue laser.

Could you please give me some advice ?

By the way english is not my main langage, sorry for all my mistakes.

They look just fine !

Do you think the 500Mw green beam is more visible than a 1000mw blue beam ?

Thanks a lot !
They look just fine !

Do you think the 500Mw green beam is more visible than a 1000mw blue beam ?

Thanks a lot !

WAY brighter :beer: A 1000mW 445nm (blue) laser doesn't make the greatest beam, because it's away from the 532nm (green).

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They look just fine !

Do you think the 500Mw green beam is more visible than a 1000mw blue beam ?

Thanks a lot !

Yes. Even a 200mW green laser can appear as bright as a 1000mW blue. A 100mW green is plenty bright. All of these strengths can blind you. you'll want safety glasses to protect your eyes.
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Thanks you, i already have glasses (bought it with my 1w laser)

Which one do you think is the brighter, between those two :

1000mW 532nm High-power Green Laser Pointer : 575.98 ; $287.99 Save 50%

LZCR - 532nm 500mW High Power DPSS Green Laser Pointer : $319.99

Excuse me to disturb you all, but i want to make a good choice !

search around the forum a bit.
You will find this link in plenty of threads that will answer your question: :)
532nm 1000 vs 532nm 500mw comparison beam

Brightness is effected by 2 factors. Output power, and wavelength.
A Beam will appear brighter no matter what with more output power (mw), however wavelength is an entire different story.
Refer to something like this for sensitivity:
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You said your 1 watt is 445, not positve so correct me if im wrong, but im pretty sure your going to need a different set of goggles for a 532nm, I think the goggles you have probably only work for 445 and 405nm (blu ray) laser protection.

Thanks you, i already have glasses (bought it with my 1w laser)
You said your 1 watt is 445, not positve so correct me if im wrong, but im pretty sure your going to need a different set of goggles for a 532nm, I think the goggles you have probably only work for 445 and 405nm (blu ray) laser protection.

I have a set of cheapy goggles that work well for for both my 1w 445, and my 532. but then again the 532 I have is only 50mw :(

either way, they probably go up to around 540nm, I see that being a common label
