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FrozenGate by Avery

Hello! Please advise

Feb 20, 2018
Hey there-

I have had a strong interest in LASERs since I was a small boy. I read all sorts of books and back then they were very expensive. Now that I have my own small boys they are much affordable, or at least it seemed that way.

I watched a video on youtube by styropyro and his green laser altoid box with my eldest son. We ordered the green module from the information link included.
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I would advise.........

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I'm so glad you edited and deleted alot from your post..
So many issue's to what you first posted. Please tell us your not going to let your son use it for show and tell with balloon popping..
You should learn more about the dangers of laser exposure before doing anything with your kids.
PLEASE read about the safety considerations when dealing with your lasers, and NEVER allow your kids to use them unsupervised. In fact, I would usually advice against allowing access to them period, as these are not toys and can cause permanent blindness in milliseconds.
Most of the lasers module on the market are overspec'ed, meaning that they will be above 5mW, making them hazardous to eyesight and using them will require safety goggles calibrated for the specific wavelength of the laser you are using. Since you are getting a green laser, get safety goggles(for anyone who will be present when you run the laser) that blocks 532nm(Green) and IR spectrum. Man there is just too much to write here so you really need to do more reading on safety.
Be safe.
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Welcome to LPF.

As mentioned above: Safety first and before you even think about turning your new laser on.

The most studies when entering (and living) with lasers should be safety. It is like treating weapons, not flashlights.

Enjoy and stay safe.

