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Hello from france


Jul 25, 2024
hello from France, I've been following this forum for a while now but I never registered
I have always been passionate about lasers since my childhood I had 2 of 5mw red then in my adolescence a green dpss 50mw green 532nm and a purple 405nm of 100mw

I am now 33 years old and I equipped myself because I am also passionate about racing cars

I made 3 lasers

1 of 450nm 5.60W blue diode NUBM44-V2

1 920mw BDR209 Violet 405nm

1 of 525nm 960mw green tree laser diode

I will present them in the tabs corresponding to their colors

a 2.1W red laser and tree laser diode under construction
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Welcome!! Enjoy the endless threads that are new and archived here with the search button! Let's see that red one when you're done!
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