Now in my 40's, I have have had alot of damage over the years.
Welding has flash-blinded me a bunch of times for days.
(I am an idiot)
I have had damage from cut lenses, flash-burns, flying metal, glass and plastics embedded into my eye, (Usually always my left eye!) glass and trash from stunt driving accidents, as well as a partial detached retina from a high impact crash, So I have not been very easy on them.
(or my body at 30+ broken bones, 4 vertebre fractured, 8 discs, etc, etc, thus my disabled status now)
I have even survived a lightning strike in 1990 which hurt my eyes for days! (As well as my whole body) ;D
(Again, I am an idiot, so don't try that at home!)
(On a side note, if you hear the bang, lightning missed you, if you see the flash, but hear nothing and wake up 15ft. from where you were standing, then it got ya!)
As for lasers, I have expeienced flash-burn for a day or two from not wearing protection while taking a reflection or just looking too close on a burn project.
I was tested the s-ky pgl-200 for hours the other day and the reflections coming off the sensor head were illuminating the side of my face.
Didn't think much of it at the time.
I guess it was a bit much for my right eye, which has been a bit hazy for a day or two now, but getting better.
So Be Careful!
Don't be a Joe and damage yourself like this for no good reason!
Always use protection!
;D ;D ;D ;D
I just thank God that He gave me a good stronge pair, even if they don't work correctly now.
I have some shadow vision effects now and I can't use binoculars due to the different perception form one eye to the other, but I still see everything!