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FrozenGate by Avery

Happy Friday Beams

Jul 16, 2017
Baby sleeping in my arms, so straight to pics for now. :)
Click for higher-res. There are LOTS more to be seen in the Flickr album.

Wavelengths Used:
Aixiz RGB 650/532/450

Various Mirrors
Fan Diffraction Grating

Happy Friday!

IMAG9077 by Lewie Wilkinson, on Flickr

IMAG9086 by Lewie Wilkinson, on Flickr

IMAG9095 by Lewie Wilkinson, on Flickr

IMAG9145 by Lewie Wilkinson, on Flickr

IMAG9192 by Lewie Wilkinson, on Flickr

IMAG9217 by Lewie Wilkinson, on Flickr

IMAG9228 by Lewie Wilkinson, on Flickr

IMAG9245 by Lewie Wilkinson, on Flickr

IMAG9265 by Lewie Wilkinson, on Flickr

IMAG9295 by Lewie Wilkinson, on Flickr

IMAG9312 by Lewie Wilkinson, on Flickr

IMAG9324 by Lewie Wilkinson, on Flickr

videotogif_2018.10.26_00.26.00 by Lewie Wilkinson, on Flickr
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Very nice. I like the ones with the, what looks like, 488nm laser. Thanks for sharing them.
Hey Lew, More very nice pics!
I like the first few three the best with that piece of glass. I am actually using a similar piece of glass now for what I am working on. Keep on posting
Very nice beams, Lew! :cool:
My favorite in this shoot has got to be 9265, but it's a coin toss, they're all good.
We all meet folks who just don't 'get' what, how & why do we do 'lasers'
At my 'office' (corner booth at McDs w/ AC outlet.)
I spend a lot of time with 2 or more laptops running. (Dial -up modem at home)
and get asked a lot 'what good are lasers?' -- the easy 'out' for me has been to show them your laser art as well as that from Bruce and others, including some of my own pics and sometimes a YTUBE vid from a past SELEM /TEXLEM (laser meets)..
That seems to satisfy them.. all are impressed.

thanks for sharing Lew!!

WELLLL .. NO baby in my arms, & I never resist a chance to plug AixiZ.

I am well aware that we can build a white laser.. but will we?

Aixiz RGB 650/532/450 nm

nice!!!! LQQK

RGB kit 650-150 / 532-80 / 450-120 TTL with optics 12VDC
here is the best review EVER!!!
Date Added: Tuesday 23 December, 2014
by Terry Lyon

Until this review was posted neither Chuck (AixiZ) nor I had ever heard of him...
its a good read , very well done, and can give you another reason to buy From AixiZ.
it also is a good way to do your own review by using the ideas form Mr Lyon's review..he has covered ALL the bases..
more reasons?? faster/safer delivery than from China.
BUY USA!!! from a VET.
You can call Chuck (Houston biz hours/days please)713 240 4929
Actual/accurate specs-- not so w/ some from China 'white laser' -exaggrated mW -.. and mRad.

REAL warranty- and no need to spend the kind of $$ it takes to return stuff to China
(THAT can cost more than just buying another)
with NO guarantee that you will ever get it back or a refund. that never happens at AixiZ.
I must say I was given one to review when AixiZ first listed them.. BUT soon bought 2 more..(sorry Gadget-- you did not pay me for yours and I am glad! mmmuuuhhhaa'

also I did have one 532 fail(out of 3) --it was replaced free.
AixiZ has been very good to/for all of us.
Sponsor of LPS.org
Sponsor of SELEM and TEXLEM (thousands of $$ plus door prizes like Quick Show/FB3 ($500).
( AND!! a double sponsor of my BBQ Cook-off team for 5 years.
^^ that has pics from 2007 and 2008.. more on FBook
so.. it just not ALL about the numbers... this white laser was Lew's choice.
His 'art' speaks for itself!!

Happy to save ya'll a few bucks with a 'group buy' on these white lasers.
I will check to see how many Chuck has in stock.. it would great if we got all Chuck had.......why? he will have to order more and the prices have dropped since these were gotten--so less $$ for more mW ..next listing.
and myb GB #2

update-- shared Lew's awesome pics with Xia and Chuck at AixiZ.. impressed and wanted to thank him for the mention (RGB)
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Got a couple more that came about similar to these. Also one that inadvertently got put into B&W...I typically do not edit my photos, but this one popped up as Google assistant got a hold of it and was pretty neat, IMO.

2018-10-30_10-44-27 by Lewie Wilkinson, on Flickr

IMAG9426 by Lewie Wilkinson, on Flickr

IMAG9400 by Lewie Wilkinson, on Flickr

IMAG9394 by Lewie Wilkinson, on Flickr

IMAG9387 by Lewie Wilkinson, on Flickr

IMAG9380 by Lewie Wilkinson, on Flickr

IMAG9375 by Lewie Wilkinson, on Flickr

IMAG9368 by Lewie Wilkinson, on Flickr

IMAG9415 by Lewie Wilkinson, on Flickr

IMAG9411 by Lewie Wilkinson, on Flickr
Those rainbow shots are clean....rather sharp, very nice. (y)
Nice...the images have a done in a 3D software look.
