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FrozenGate by Avery

Greetings from Melbourne


Aug 27, 2018
Hello, I' a Technical Maintenance in a Broadway. I've been using lasers for events for almost 10 years. I do hope to learn more in this community, please welcome me. :)

Guys, I love your colorful and pointy greeting. :) Thank you for Welcoming me in this community. :)
Welcome to LPF, Thalia! :yh:

Have fun, stay safe, and enjoy your stay.
Hello, I' a Technical Maintenance in a Broadway. I've been using lasers for events for almost 10 years. I do hope to learn more in this community, please welcome me. :)

Welcome to the Forum.
Putting your location (Melbourne) in your Profile
will help other members to direct you to poterntial
sellers in your area if the need arrises.
Enjoy your stay...:yh:

welcome from TEXAS
like Jerry wrote- best to have Oz in your profile as we will likely forget- (if here is the only place) we have some first rate members from all parts of Aus. .. amazing is what I say when I see another laser made by Billy-- enjoy the forums and ALWAYS protect your eyes!
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We have a moderator from Sydney too. He is on holiday for a few days now. Great guy who also moderates an Astronomy forum.
AND a retired Mod 'Things' Dan was an asset to the forum- great member... not much around here these days..

enjoy and welcome
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Hello, I' a Technical Maintenance in a Broadway. I've been using lasers for events for almost 10 years. I do hope to learn more in this community, please welcome me. :)

welcome Mam? (not sir? right?)
not many ladies here.. you will be offered lots of help... :beer::beer:
:thanks: for joining us!!
I never know about names these days, so I try not to assume anything about new member's $ex. You could be right, Len. You could also be wrong, though. :thinking:
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search What kind of name is Thalia? -It is on the list of names for babies as a girls name- from Greek - same conclusion.

NOT be disrespectful in any way.. the op reads 'Hello, I' a Technical Maintenance in a Broadway' the missing 'm' (I'm) is just a tyro.. but if you read it like this...."in a Broad Way''.. hmmm a female way?? nah..its prolly 'In a Broadway (play?)'
nice that this person has joined us. We will like to hear more of her knowledge from 10 years in the biz. --win win.

'hope to learn more in this community, please welcome me. :)'... consider yourself welcomed, & it is our pleasure.


