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FrozenGate by Avery

Greetings from a Belgium based laser enthusiast


New member
Apr 10, 2021
Hi All,

Just "discovered" this forum while searching for info about DIY raman spectroscopy, and seeing all of the interesting contents here, I figured I should subscribe immediately!

About me, I have been playing around with lasers and optics or quite a while. My main interest lies in performing measurements with light/lasers. I also do some electronics and programming and enjoy repairing broken test gear I bought on Ebay.

So far I have built a laser interferometer (as described on Sam's FAQ ), repaired a few spectrometers (both NIR and VIS), and I am in the process of automating and older monochromator. Over the years I have acquired quite a few lasers (some red and green HeNe, some red and blue diode laser from coherent, an Argon laser , many IR fiber lasers removed from telecom equipment,....). I am also in the process of trying to repair a Jenoptic smaragd Q-swithed laser hoping to one day build a laser engraving system with it, but as with probably many around here, to many projects, too less time.

I suffer from TEA (test gear acquisition syndrome) and probably some similar laser related diseases . This forum will probably not cure any of these :) , but that is ok for me.

Hi there & welcome to LPF!
Always great to see more EU members around..

Enjoy and stay safe :)

So far I have been playing & will continue to play it safe. own professional good laser glasses for the wavelengths I own. The Q-switched laser will be fully enclosed with safety interlocked door switch.
Welcome and enjoy the forum.
Glad you found LPF.
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Thanks, I am already reading lots of threads and also kicking myself I did not buy one of those 473nm Raman units (thread: B&W-tech Spectrometer & 473 module: Setup+Mods+Info) when they were available on Ebay...
Welcome to the forum. :)
Nice intro btw.
Also nice to see more European members
Warm welcome!

You will be poorer in pocket but richer in spirit now that you're one of us. Enjoy ;)
I'll add my much belated greeting in here as well.
_Wim_ , If you ever plan to do a real project that needs the B&W-tech 473 units let me know. I've got a some I might let go for a good cause.
It sounds like you have a great start with what lasers you've got and your projects.
