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FrozenGate by Avery

Green laser titanium and recycled parts

Aug 2, 2010

Here I present my green laser made ​​from the recycling of a laser SD301 and the top of a stainless steel flashlight.
The body is made ​​of titanium class 2. a bit soft for my taste.
The module power is 100mw.
The front is removable for changing the laser module or simply want to convert it to other wavelengths. Only the support would be necessary to make the diode to be used.
In Spain is very hard to find components for lasers. Above all drivers to blue or red laser diodes.
Hope you like.



We don't see much titanium builds. It looks very solid !
And about part, I ordered them everywhere around the world. Long live the WWW. :D
Nice laser.
It is green both in wavelength and in production!
My laser is dead. Has fallen from the table and now only a small infrared light emitted. It has broken the KTP crystal. :cryyy::cryyy:

I will use the body to build a blue laser.
Its only a "small infrared light" because our eyes are insensitive to that wavelength (808nm) , your actually shining 200mW-500mW of infrared into your eyes when you look at it... DO NOT look directly at it.
This is a very nice looking host! Such a shame that it fell and knocked the module out of alignment. That host will be great for a 445nm blue laser. Post some pics when you change it over.

I've been a long time without working with the laser. I'm very busy with my work and I have no time for my hobbyes.
Thank you.
