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FrozenGate by Avery

Green laser recommendation?


New member
Mar 22, 2019
Seems pretty hard to find a reliable laser online. Use green laser to scare off Canada Gesse.
Currently use unbranded labeled 200mw, don't believe it is. Can someone recommend a green laser not for burning, but one a wide spot at distance. Not want to spend a fortune. Anyone have recommendation for cheaper one?

Hi, 520nm diodes aren't to cheap and the geese don't scare easy. You might want to find other ways to treat your problem. And a laser isn't one of them because in the precess you might blind the geese . Thats really a bad thing to do to an animal; Search bird bombs online they are very effective I used them on occasions

Your best bet for a cheap, inexpensive, laser in green are the 301 or 303 532nm DPSS ones. You can get them for ~$6.00 each with free shipping, but the output would be limited to 50 mW to 85 mW. Can't say how effective it would be on birds, though. You certainly don't want to blind any.
I use my T-DRAGON 515nm build to shepherd the chickens.I use the original parts from the laserland 510nm laser pointer.You can buy this for $17 .It takes 2 of AAA 1.5 volt. You can use this I guess.It's much safer than the 532nm laser pointer. Also more stable.
That 510nm laser is a very low power one. It is much lower than the 301 or 303 pointers on eBay. You will only have a problem with temperature if it gets very cold outside with the DPSS lasers. But, as long as you can hold the pointer with your hand, giving it the heat from your hand, this still may not be an issue.
If you use a 520 nm laser diode set to 100 milliwatts or less and then expanded to five inches, that might not blind them, you would need to determine the power density when expanded that far at distances, but with that big of a lens, there wouldn't be much divergence so it would go a long way, or in other words, be effective at a long distance. I accidentally flashed some geese with one once, scared the hell out of them, then I regretted it, didn't think they would react so much.
Iv'e tried a 520 at 170mw to scare away seagulls from on top of a light pole that happens to be over my car that they constantly leave their droppings on.
Ok they are not geese and are more a nuisance bird that prey on food scraps. I found the laser light doesn't even reach them before they fly away as they see it coming. It's hard to pin point the spot from 200 feet away and at that distance i'm pretty sure the spot is to wide to hurt their eye sight.
The problem is that they are a pest bird and go instantly back to the same poll no matter how many times I flash them..
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Did you find a solution?
They were only a problem for certain times of the year, and I ended up parking at a different spot.
I didn't get enough into it to find a result but like I mentioned they went right back to the same spot immediately after I stopped point the laser. Had I done it 100 times in a row I don't know??
Even though some will mention control sounds like fire crackers, I will mention that even though roosters aren't your issue, I do know of a member who swears a 405nm laser is good for corralling roosters:giggle:
