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FrozenGate by Avery

Green 1mW Ebay Laser

Apr 8, 2014
I have purchased a Green laser on Ebay advertised at 1mW and I want to pot mod it, I have seen many videos and forums on how to pot mod such laser's but mine seems to be different instead of a brass pull out module i have a black lens tube thing when i take off the silver head of the laser. I live in Australia and bought it from an Australian seller.

This is the link to what I purchased: NEW Stylish 532nm Green Laser Pointer Light PEN Lazer Beam 1mW High Power AU | eBay

Can anyone show me to a website on how to do this or give instructions on how to do it.

Thank you in advance

I would not bother pot-modding. Most likely you will ruin the module in the process of extracting it and even if you extract it successfully it will live a very short life if you attempt to mess with the potentiometer or other driver components.

Also those ebay pens will not be 1mw. Most ebay pens will be in the range of 20-80mw and thus are not eye safe. Be careful and enjoy it as it is.
Sorry if i sound rude but could you tell me anyway on how to do it if you know and if you don't can you tell me how to focus the lens because I have unfocused it and it is a larger dot, i have tried turning it in quarter increments left and right and can't seem to get it right.
Out of all respect, why are you still trying to pot-mod the thing? Getting a 20mW-50mW laser(IR included) for only $8 is a pretty good deal. Pot-modding it will only give you a little more power for a short amount of time, after that it's dead.

To focus the laser put a magnifying glass in front of it. Make sure to be careful of course :)
I tried a magnifying glass but it didn't work. Just to clarify, the laser was originally focussed correctly, then I made the dumb mistake of removing it to try and get to the module which I couldn't so I put it make not knowing how far it went in and it was not focussed correctly anymore. I have attached photos of what it looks like after I took it apart.


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have you tried putting the silver cap back on, it may have been blocking some light and making the dot look better, just a thought...
ohh by the way , chances are it does not have a potentiometer so you cant pot mod it, only the older cheapo laser pens had the pots in them,
only thing you could try since you sound like you want to push it, is to find some 3.7v 10440 batterys and run one battery and a spacer with low resistance instead of two 1.5v AAA batterys, that way the laser will start off with over 4v instead of around 3.2v with AAA
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Chances are its way over 1mw anyway. And if you want more power look into changing the laser module, I got a 200mw module from laserlands and it didn't get seized by customs.
When I was trying to focus and I found the best setting i could get which wasnt orignal i put the silver head back on and all it did was block out the light around the dot but the dot did not change at all.

I looked at the 10440 battery but what is a low resistance spacer?

I was thinking of buying a module instead of laser pen but that means I would have to make or buy a driver? or is it included and I am unsure with the law because some people say all diodes are legal and pens arent and others say that both are illegal.
Your green laser is probably already pot-modded in a sense. It actually takes extra effort and hardware to keep the power well controlled; the cheaper lasers rarely do a good job. So many of the cheap laser pointers will be overspec out of the box.
Thank you for all of your replies, but could someone please answer my question on how to focus the laser which I have purchased which is near the top of the page and I have provided pictures of what I have done it enabling me to not know where it is supposed to be focussed to.

How do you focus any lens?

Start out of focus far away the laser light source then move it closer and closer until you get it focused the way you want it
So I tried it focusing it with that method about 3 times and still could not find the correct focal point.

Does anyone have this laser or similar if so would you be able to tell me how far the lens is screwed in originally.

Is their any other method which i can follow do this
its quite a simple task to focus most lasers? so i wonder what the problem may be.....

is there alot of play between the threads of the lens and what it screws into? i have come across a couple lasers where i focus it perfect and the play of the lens moving forward and backwards(not really side to side) causes it to unfocus slightly?

also what kind of distance are you focusing at? try doing it at 10ft or something,
So I still tried to focus is and tried moving it back and forth and wiggled it around in the thread, since I was making no progess with this I tried again to extract, I just wanted to see what was in and I successfully extracted it but it didn't work, it does not seem to be damaged but I may of shorted it or it may not be earthed, does it to me? All three pins of the diode are used. What can I do to see if it is still working e.g. testing resistance using multimeter or connecting to battery.
